Explore projects
Cooper Mellema - MSTP student Parkinson's MRI & MEG machine learning identification and classification project
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BFei's student group project placenta segmentator
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Files from the Advanced Concepts of Deep Learning Nanocourse
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Journal Club for foundational machine learning topics
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Notebooks and scripts provided here can be used for analyzing data files generated by Tecan and Biotek plate readers.
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Simple Gears to help you start your own development at UT Southwestern
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Three variants of regression models based on deep neural networks, random forest, and gradient boosting to predict chromatin interaction strength.
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This is a set of python and R routines for converting imaging and mask information to radiomic features and perform simple classification task.
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TAD aware Regulatory Network Construction (TReNCo). The package provides scripts for constructing cell-type specific mouse TF-gene networks.
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Created by Cooper Mellema in Dr. Montillo's Deep Learning Lab University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Lyda Hill Dept. of Bioinformatics Project centered around using different causal measures to infer Effective connectivity and DL properties
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