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Multiple Fisher's exact tests for differential alternative splicing detection using RNA-seq data
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BICF / Astrocyte / cellranger_count
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Strand Lab / sc-TissueMapper
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BICF / Astrocyte / methylation_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
MIT LicenseUpdated -
GUDMAP_RBK / scRNA-seq_imgen
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This is a set of python and R routines for converting imaging and mask information to radiomic features and perform simple classification task.
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A host registry for various images used in Astrocyte
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Amritha Achuthkumar / chipseq_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Ahmed Abbas / ChIPr
OtherThree variants of regression models based on deep neural networks, random forest, and gradient boosting to predict chromatin interaction strength.
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additional steps are necessary to build HON within UTSW due to proxy and firewalls
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A repository for code to replicate the analysis of single cell data from female human urethra.