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A host registry for various images used in Astrocyte
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Suresh Pannerselvam / singularity-introduction
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalAn introduction to singularity
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BICF / Astrocyte / cellranger_count
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Strand Lab / sc-TissueMapper
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Strand Lab / sc-TissueMapper_Pr
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Ahmed Abbas / CNN-ChIPr
OtherUpdated -
Amritha Achuthkumar / chipseq_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This is the conversion of the BICF RNASeq pipeline into the nextflow framework.
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Strand Lab / scRNA_urethra
MIT LicenseUpdated -
An example workflow package for the BioHPC Astrocyte workflow engine.
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BICF / Astrocyte / cellranger_mkfastq
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This project is the astrocyte project to do variant analysis with BAMs generated in the RNASeq Differential expression analysis pipeline.
Topics: RNASeq NGSUpdated -
Affiong Akpaninyang / atacseq_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
An example workflow package for the BioHPC Astrocyte workflow engine.