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Source codes to perform simulations of microtubule growth. McCormick and Cleary et al. 2023 (in preparation), "Interface-acting nucleotide controls polymerization dynamics at microtubule plus- and minus-ends".
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Cooper Mellema / AutismProject
BSD 3-Clause Clear LicenseUpdated -
Affiong Akpaninyang / atacseq_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
The general gene expression analysis pipeline of 10X Visium data
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FLywheel Gearification of https://gitlab.com/Michael_Paris/AutoMATiCA/
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Move Flywheel data to box.com
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additional steps are necessary to build HON within UTSW due to proxy and firewalls
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AI segmentation for axial T2W MR Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (https://github.com/aksg87/adpkd-segmentation-pytorch)
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Astrocyte / Workflows / BICF / process_scripts
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BFei's student group project placenta segmentator
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Felix Perez / astrocyte-atac-runner
MIT LicenseUpdated -