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Suresh Pannerselvam / singularity-introduction
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalAn introduction to singularity
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Felix Perez / astrocyte-atac-runner
MIT LicenseUpdated -
BFei's student group project placenta segmentator
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A general purpose Astrocyte workflow to run quality control on single cell RNA sequencing data.
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Felix Perez / chipseq_analysis_containerized
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Affiong Akpaninyang / atacseq_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
An Astrocyte workflow to run cellranger count on droplet-based single cell RNA data generated by 10x Genomics.
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Astrocyte / Workflows / BICF / chipseq_analysis
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Files from the Advanced Concepts of Deep Learning Nanocourse
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Journal Club for foundational machine learning topics
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Astrocyte / Workflows / BICF / process_scripts
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Ahmed Abbas / CNN-ChIPr
OtherUpdated -