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If ends force then override fastq read error

Gervaise Henry requested to merge 135-fix.endforce into develop

Fix Endness force

PR checklist

  • This comment contains a description of changes (with reason)
  • [ ] If you've fixed a bug or added code that should be tested, add tests!
  • [ ] Documentation in docs is updated`
  • [ ] Replace dag.png with the most recent CI pipeline integrated_pe artifact
  • [ ] Replace software_versions_mqc.yaml with the most recent CI pipeline generateVersions artifact
  • [ ] Replace software_references_mqc.yaml with the most recent CI pipeline generateVersions artifact
  • is updated
  • [ ] is updated
  • [ ] is updated with new contributors
  • [ ] Docker images moved to production release and changed in pipeline
  • [ ] Docker images used in the CI unit tests match those used in pipeline

/cc @ghenry @venkat.malladi

Merge request reports