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Commit d0be69da authored by Gervaise Henry's avatar Gervaise Henry :cowboy:
Browse files

Measure median trimmed read length and display in multiqc table report

parent 67d6d8f4
2 merge requests!37v0.0.1,!36Metadata output update
Pipeline #7776 failed with stages
in 1 minute and 51 seconds
This commit is part of merge request !36. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ parseMetadata:
- spike=$(singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:2.0.1_indev' python3 ./workflow/scripts/ -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p spike)
- species=$(singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:2.0.1_indev' python3 ./workflow/scripts/ -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p species)
- readLength=$(singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:2.0.1_indev' python3 ./workflow/scripts/ -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.stageNew.csv" -p readLength)
- echo -e "${endsMeta},${endsManual},${stranded},${spike},${species},${readLength},${exp},${study},${rep}" > design.csv
- echo -e "${endsMeta},${endsManual},${stranded},${spike},${species},${readLength},${exp},${study},${rep}" > design.csv
- pytest -m parseMetadata
......@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ process parseMetadata {
readLength=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experiment}" -p readLength)
echo -e "LOG: read length metadata parsed: \${readLength}" >> ${repRID}.parseMetadata.log
# gave design file
# save design file
echo -e "\${endsMeta},\${endsManual},\${stranded},\${spike},\${species},\${readLength},\${exp},\${study}" > design.csv
......@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ process trimData {
path ("*.fq.gz") into fastqsTrim
path ("*_trimming_report.txt") into trimQC
path ("readLength.csv") into inferMetadata_readLength
......@@ -298,14 +299,27 @@ process trimData {
if [ "${ends}" == "se" ]
trim_galore --gzip -q 25 --illumina --length 35 --basename ${repRID} -j `nproc` ${fastq[0]}
readLength=$(zcat *_trimmed.fq.gz | awk '{if(NR%4==2) print length($1)}' | sort -n | awk '{a[NR]=$0}END{print(NR%2==1)?a[int(NR/2)+1]:(a[NR/2]+a[NR/2+1])/2}')
elif [ "${ends}" == "pe" ]
trim_galore --gzip -q 25 --illumina --length 35 --paired --basename ${repRID} -j `nproc` ${fastq[0]} ${fastq[1]}
readLength=$(zcat *_1.fq.gz | awk '{if(NR%4==2) print length($1)}' | sort -n | awk '{a[NR]=$0}END{print(NR%2==1)?a[int(NR/2)+1]:(a[NR/2]+a[NR/2+1])/2}')
echo -e "LOG: trimmed" >> ${repRID}.trimData.log
echo -e "LOG: average trimmed read length: /${readLength}" >> ${repRID}.trimData.log
# save read length file
echo -e "\${readLength}" > readLength.csv
// Split metadata into separate channels
readLengthInfer = Channel.create()
inferMetadata_readLength.splitCsv(sep: ",", header: false).separate(
// Replicate trimmed fastq's
fastqsTrim.into {
......@@ -962,6 +976,8 @@ process aggrQC {
val strandedI from strandedInfer_aggrQC
val spikeI from spikeInfer_aggrQC
val speciesI from speciesInfer_aggrQC
val readLengthM from readLengthMeta
val readLengthI from readLengthInfer
val expRID
val studyRID
......@@ -980,10 +996,11 @@ process aggrQC {
# make metadata table
echo -e "LOG: creating metadata table" >> ${repRID}.aggrQC.log
echo -e "Source\tSpecies\tEnds\tStranded\tSpike-in" > metadata.tsv
echo -e "Infered\t${speciesI}\t${endsI}\t${strandedI}\t${spikeI}" >> metadata.tsv
echo -e "Submitter\t${speciesM}\t${endsM}\t${strandedM}\t${spikeM}" >> metadata.tsv
echo -e "Manual\t-\t${endsManual}\t-\t-" >> metadata.tsv
echo -e "Source\tSpecies\tEnds\tStranded\tSpike-in\tRead Length" > metadata.tsv
echo -e "Infered\t${speciesI}\t${endsI}\t${strandedI}\t${spikeI}\t-" >> metadata.tsv
echo -e "Submitter\t${speciesM}\t${endsM}\t${strandedM}\t${spikeM}\t${readLengthM}" >> metadata.tsv
echo -e "Manual\t-\t${endsManual}\t-\t-\t-" >> metadata.tsv
echo -e "Measured\t-\t-\t-\t-\t${readLengthI}"
# remove inner distance report if it is empty (SE repRID)
echo -e "LOG: removing dummy inner distance file" >> ${repRID}.aggrQC.log
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