* Endness metadata "Single Read" changed to "Single End" in data-hub, pipeline updated to handle (#110) ("Single Read" still acceptable for backwards compatibility)
* Strandedness metadata "yes"/"no" changed to boolean "t"/"f" in data-hub, pipeline updated to handle (#70) ("yes"/"no" still acceptable for backwards compatibility)
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
* Merge data error pre-inference execution run upload/finalize to 1 process
* Change uploadOutputBag logic to change reuse hatrac file if alread exists (re-uses Output_Bag entry by reassigning Execution_Run RID) (#112)
* Add new CI py tests for override and integration
* Fix fastq file and species error status detail bub (#118)
*Known Bugs*
* Override params (inputBag, fastq, species) aren't checked for integrity