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v1.0.3 (in development)

User Facing


  • Add memory limit per thread for samtools sort (#108)
  • Remove parsing restrictions for submitted stranded/spike/species (#105, #106)
  • Pass unidentified ends instead of overwriting it as unknown
  • Move fastqc process before trim to catch fastq errors (#107)
  • Only use fastq's that match *[_.]R[1-2].fastq.gz naming convention (#107)
  • Add error output for no fastq's
  • Update input bag export config to only fetch fastq's that match *[_.]R[1-2].fastq.gz naming convention
  • Remove check for multiple fastq check in parse metadata (redundant and no longer valid)
  • Handle blank submitted endness better
  • Don't use file.csv from inputBag to parse manual endness, use counted from getData
  • Detect malformed fastq's (#107)

Known Bugs

  • Override params (inputBag, fastq, species) aren't checked for integrity
  • Authentication files and tokens must be active (active auth client) for the duration of the pipeline run (until long-lived token utilization included)


User Facing


  • Fix spelling in config file for process of failed fastq to upload error message (#104)

Known Bugs

  • Override params (inputBag, fastq, species) aren't checked for integrity
  • Authentication files and tokens must be active (active auth client) for the duration of the pipeline run (until long-lived token utilization included)


User Facing


  • Split non-metadata mismatch error handling proces into 2, 1 to handle fastq errors and one for species errors (BUG FIX #101)
  • Add known errors to integration CI tests (ambiguous species, trunkated fastq, R1/R2 mismatch (#103)
  • Fix pre exeuction run fails uploading of execution run RID to tracking site (#96, #97)
  • Change CI replicate count badge CI to count all execution runs that match major version

Known Bugs

  • Override params (inputBag, fastq, species) aren't checked for integrity
  • Authentication files and tokens must be active (active auth client) for the duration of the pipeline run (until long-lived token utilization included)