Gervaise Henry authored5e6b9051
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To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
v0.1.0 (in development)
User Facing
- Add option to pull references from datahub
- Add option to send email on workflow error, with pipeline error message
- Add versions and paper references of software used to report
- Upload input bag
- Upload execution run
- Upload mRNA QC
- Create and upload output bag
- Add optional to not upload
- Remove (comment out) option to pull references from S3
- Make pull references from BioHPC default (including in biohpc.config)
- Start using new gudmaprbk dockerhub (images autobuilt)
- Moved consistency checks to be fully python
- Changed order of steps so that fastqc is done after the trim step
- Change docker images to production
- Add automated version badges
Known Bugs
- Datahub reference pull uses dev.gudmap.org as source until referencencs are placed on production
- Override params (inputBag, fastq, species) aren't checked for integrity
User Facing
- TPM table:
- Add Ensembl Gene ID
- Rename columns: GENCODE_Gene_Symbol, Ensembl_GeneID, NCBI_GeneID
- MultiQC output custom tables (html+JSON):
- Run table: Session ID and Pipeline Version
- Reference Table: Species, Genome Reference Consortium Build, Genome Reference Consortium Patch, GENCODE Annotation Release (outputs both human and mouse versions)
- Add inputBag override param (
) [*.zip
]- Uses provided inputBag instead of downloading from data-hub
- Still requires matching repRID input param
- Add fastq override param (
) [R1
]- Uses provided fastq instead of downloading from data-hub
- Still requires matching repRID input param and will pull inputBag from data-hub to access submitted metadata for reporting
- Add species override param (
) [Mus musculus
orHomo sapiens
]- forces the use of the provided species
- ignores inferred ambiguous species
- Add GeneSymbol/EnsemblID/EntrezID translation files to references
Known Bugs
- outputBag does not contain fetch for processed data
- Does not include automatic data upload
- Override params (inputBag, fastq, species) aren't checked for integrity
User Facing
- Output:
- inputBag
- outputBag
- Remove gene details from tpm table
- Add EntrezID translation to tpm table (from version specific reference)
- Add GeneSymbol/EnsemblID/EntrezID translation files to references
Known Bugs
- outputBag does not contain fetch for processed data
- Does not include automatic data upload
Does not include automatic data upload
This version is for initial upload of test data to GUDMAP/RBK data-hub for internal integration