# Go to in your browser to access the vizapp
# Use `Ctrl-C` to terminate the R shiny server once finished
## Containers
### Astrocyte workflow containers
The `workflow_containers` section in `astrocyte_pkg.yml` defines the URL of the contianers used by this workflow. When the `astrocyte_cli` run this workflow, it will pull the images in this section and save them to `workflow/images/singularity/` for later use.
In the workflow, the default configuration located in `workflow/configs/biohpc.config` defines how the Nextflow command to use the singularity executor for the uppercase, toLines, and wordcount processes.
The `workflow_containers` section in `astrocyte_pkg.yml` defines the URL of the containers used by this workflow.
When the `astrocyte_cli` run this workflow, it will pull the images in this section and save them to
`workflow/images/singularity/` for later use. In the workflow, the default configuration located in
`workflow/configs/biohpc.config` defines how the Nextflow command to use the singularity executor for the uppercase,
toLines, and word count processes.
### Vizapp containers
The `astrocyte_cli` version 2.0.0 supports containerized vizapp, so that vizapp becomes more independent and can be run on multiple platforms. The astrocyte workflow developers do not need to change their `vizapp_*` settings in `astrocyte_pkg.yml` to use this feature. The `shiny-prepare` command with the `--with-container` option will pull the right version of `R` container from the BioHPC "[Astrocyte Container Images](https://git.biohpc.swmed.edu/biohpc/astrocyte-container-images)" registry and save it to the `vizapp` folder for later use. Also, it will create a folder `vizapp/.rlibrary` to install the dependencies pacages.
The `astrocyte_cli` version 2.0.0 supports containerized vizapp, so that vizapp becomes more independent
and can be run on multiple platforms. The astrocyte workflow developers do not need to change their `vizapp_*`
settings in `astrocyte_pkg.yml` to use this feature. The `viz-prepare` command with the `--with-container` option
will pull the right version of `R` container from the BioHPC
"[Astrocyte Container Images](https://git.biohpc.swmed.edu/biohpc/astrocyte-container-images)" registry and save it
to the `vizapp` folder for later use. Also, it will create a folder `vizapp/.rlibrary` to install the dependencies