Example Wordcount Package
This is an example workflow package for astrocyte. It contains a worfklow to count the occurences of each word in a text file.
The Workflow
The workflow workflow/main.nf
has three processes:
- Convert all the text in the input files to uppercase
- Split the text so each word is on a separate line
- Sort, find and count the occurence of unique words
There is a single parameter story
. This provides 1 or more files that the
workflow should run on.
The default configuration for this workflow is located in ./workflow/configs/biohpc.config . This configuration will cause the Nextflow command to use the singularity executor for the uppercase, toLines, and wordcount processes, using Docker.io endpoints. The biohpc_*_gitlab.config files show how to instead use images pulled from a specified GitLab repository.
If you have any questions about this workflow example, or Astrocyte in general, please contact the BioHPC team via biohpc-help@utsouthwestern.edu