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#!/usr/bin/env nextflow

// Path to an input file, or a pattern for multiple inputs
// Note - $baseDir is the location of this workflow file
// Define Input variables
params.reads = "$baseDir/../test_data/*.fastq.gz"
params.pairedEnd = false
params.designFile = "$baseDir/../test_data/design_ENCSR238SGC_SE.txt"
params.genome = 'GRCm38'
params.genomes = []
params.bwaIndex = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].bwa ?: false : false

// Check inputs
if( params.bwaIndex ){
  bwaIndex = Channel
    .ifEmpty { exit 1, "BWA index not found: ${params.bwaIndex}" }
} else {
  exit 1, "No reference genome specified."
// Define List of Files
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readsList = Channel
  .fromPath( params.reads )
  .map { file -> [ file.getFileName().toString(), file.toString() ].join("\t")}
  .collectFile( name: 'fileList.tsv', newLine: true )

// Define regular variables
pairedEnd = params.pairedEnd
designFile = params.designFile

process checkDesignFile {

  publishDir "$baseDir/output/design", mode: 'copy'
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  file readsList
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  file("design.tsv") into designFilePaths
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  if (pairedEnd) {
    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -d $designFile -f $readsList -p
    python $baseDir/scripts/ -d $designFile -f $readsList

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// Define channel for raw reads
if (pairedEnd) {
  rawReads = designFilePaths
    .splitCsv(sep: '\t', header: true)
    .map { row -> [ row.sample_id, [row.fastq_read1, row.fastq_read2], row.biosample, row.factor, row.treatment, row.replicate, row.control_id ] }
} else {
rawReads = designFilePaths
  .splitCsv(sep: '\t', header: true)
  .map { row -> [ row.sample_id, [row.fastq_read1], row.biosample, row.factor, row.treatment, row.replicate, row.control_id ] }
// Trim raw reads using trimgalore
process trimReads {
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  tag "$sampleId-$replicate"
  publishDir "$baseDir/output/${task.process}", mode: 'copy'
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  set sampleId, reads, biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId from rawReads


  set sampleId, file('*.fq.gz'), biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId into trimmedReads
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  file('*trimming_report.txt') into trimgalore_results
  if (pairedEnd) {
    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -f ${reads[0]} ${reads[1]} -p
  else {
    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -f ${reads[0]}


// Align trimmed reads using bwa
process alignReads {

  tag "$sampleId-$replicate"
  publishDir "$baseDir/output/${task.process}", mode: 'copy'


  set sampleId, reads, biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId from trimmedReads
  file index from bwaIndex.first()


  set sampleId, file('*.bam'), biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId into mappedReads
  file '*.srt.bam.flagstat.qc' into mappedReadsStats
    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -f $reads -r ${index}/genome.fa -p
    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -f $reads -r ${index}/genome.fa
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// Dedup reads using sambamba
process filterReads {

  tag "$sampleId-$replicate"
  publishDir "$baseDir/output/${task.process}", mode: 'copy'


  set sampleId, mapped, biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId from mappedReads


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Venkat Malladi committed
  set sampleId, file('*.bam'), file('*.bai'), biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId into dedupReads
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Venkat Malladi committed
  file '*flagstat.qc' into dedupReadsStats
  file '*pbc.qc' into dedupReadsComplexity
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  file '*dup.qc' into dupReads
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    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -b $mapped -p
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    python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -b $mapped