* cellranger mkfastq will not accept spaces in path for run param even if quoted, issue raised on 10XGenomics/cellranger github issue [#31](https://github.com/10XGenomics/cellranger/issues/31)
* note: pipeline checks for spaces and exits prematurely if found
* If multiple flowcells (tar'd) files are inputted then there will be multiple fastq's by the same name, currently dealing with that name conflict is not tractable
* note: if multiple bcl files are detected then cellranger_count design file is not created
* If too many (or too large) .tar(.gz) bcl files are placed in one run, aws runs appears to fail possibly due to timeout on staging
# v2.1.5
* Check Design File for spaces in name and file contents
description = 'This pipeline is a wrapper for the cellranger mkfastq tool from 10x Genomics (which uses Illuminas bcl2fastq). It takes bcls and demultiplexes samples from 10x Genomics Single Cell Gene Expression libraries into fastqs.'