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Commit 0d025942 authored by Vishruth Mullapudi's avatar Vishruth Mullapudi Committed by Vishruth Mullapudi
Browse files

residue modification abundances completed and comments added to code

parent 5ef05ab9
1 merge request!1Fix unlocalized peptide mods not adding
......@@ -17,16 +17,20 @@ def main():
# Get the desired configuration
configuration: dict = toml.load(config_file)
input_files: List[str] = configuration['input']["input_files"]
use_mod_in_master_prot: bool = configuration['parser_config']['master']['use']
if (use_mod_in_master_prot):
use_mod_in_master_prot: bool = False # configuration['parser_config']['master']['use']
if use_mod_in_master_prot:
master_prot_name: bool = configuration['parser_config']['master']['master_protein_name']
master_protein_fasta_ID = configuration['parser_config']['master']['master_protein_fasta_ID']
protein_fasta_files: List[str] = configuration['input']['prot_seq_fasta']
# todo each abundance col into separate dataframe
# todo implement fileID splitting
# todo go down to one abundance column at a time?
abundance_col_titles = configuration['parser_config']['abundance_col_titles']
# Internalize the file's data
# input_data is a list of tuples (filename, pandas DataFrame of the csv)
input_data: List[FileTuple] = ingestfiledata(files=input_files)
protein_seqrecords: Dict = getproteinsequences(protein_fasta_files)
data = (genrawsequences(ftuple) for ftuple in input_data)
protein_seqrecords: Dict = get_proteinsequences(protein_fasta_files)
data = (gen_rawsequences(ftuple) for ftuple in input_data)
localization_col_titles: Dict[str, str] = dict() # Dict containing {proteinID: column title}
frag_localization_col_titles: Dict[str, str] = dict() # Dict containing {proteinID: column title}
......@@ -52,12 +56,17 @@ def main():
for ftuple in localized_data:
# for residue modification analysis, calculate the amount each residue is modified
calcresiduemodproportions(ftuple, localization_col_titles, frag_localization_col_titles, protein_seqrecords)
for abundance_col_title in abundance_col_titles:
calcresiduemodabundances(ftuple, localization_col_titles, frag_localization_col_titles,
abundance_col_title, protein_seqrecords)
def ingestfiledata(files: List[str]) -> List[FileTuple]:
""" Takes the list if files to ingest, reads them, and returns the data as
Takes the list if files to ingest, reads them, and returns the data as
a list of tuples of the file name and a DataFrame of the file contents
:param files: a list of paths to input files
:return: a list containing 2-tuples of the filename and a dataframe of the file contents
data = []
for input_file_path in files:
......@@ -71,7 +80,12 @@ def ingestfiledata(files: List[str]) -> List[FileTuple]:
return data
def getproteinsequences(fasta_files: List[str]) -> Dict:
def get_proteinsequences(fasta_files: List[str]) -> Dict:
Ingests the proteins sequences from a list of fasta files
:param fasta_files: the list of paths to fasta files to use in the alignment and localization
:return: a Dict mapping sequenceIDs to Bio.SeqRecord objects
protein_seqrecords: Dict[str, SeqRecord] = dict()
for file in fasta_files:
with open(file, "r") as handle:
......@@ -80,10 +94,12 @@ def getproteinsequences(fasta_files: List[str]) -> Dict:
return protein_seqrecords
def genrawsequences(ftuple: FileTuple) -> FileTuple:
def gen_rawsequences(ftuple: FileTuple) -> FileTuple:
Adds a column to the DataFrame containing a stripped down peptide without
the cleavage annotations
Adds a column to the DataFrame containing a stripped down peptide without the cleavage annotations
:param ftuple: The filetuple to containing the filedata dataframe to generate the raw sequence of each fragment
:return: a filetuple containing the fileID and a filedata dataframe containing the raw sequence in the
'stripped_sequence' column
file_data: pd.DataFrame = ftuple.FileData
file_data = file_data.assign(
......@@ -97,6 +113,14 @@ def parsemasterlocalizations(ftuple: FileTuple, master_prot_fasta_id) -> Tuple[
# todo: other PTMs
# todo: file specified regex string
# todo fragment localization
Parses the modification and fragment localizations from a daaframe using the positions in master and modifications
in master proteins columns to obtain localization data instead of aligning the fragment to a given master protein
:param ftuple:
:param master_prot_fasta_id:
:return: A tuple containing the filetuple of localized data, a Dict mapping the proteinID to its modification \
localizations in the dataframe, and a Dict mapping proteinID's to their fragment localizations in the dataframe
# NOTE: parses multiple master proteins, but as of now only the first is used
# matches serine, threonine, tyrosine and 0 or more digits
# this provides support for unlocalized PTM where only the amino acid is present and not the localization
......@@ -145,7 +169,15 @@ def parsemasterlocalizations(ftuple: FileTuple, master_prot_fasta_id) -> Tuple[
def parseprotlocalizations(ftuple: FileTuple, protein_seqrecords: Dict) -> \
Tuple[FileTuple, Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str]]:
# TODO same as master
Parses out the localizations of the PTM by aligning each modified fragment to the protein sequences given in
protein_seqrecords, parsing out the modification index in each protein fragment, and using the fragment's index in
the full protein as an offset to calculate the localization's index in the full protein.
:param ftuple: a FIleTuple with the data to localize
:param protein_seqrecords: the dict of proteinID mapped to its SequenceRecord
:return: a Tuple containing the FileTuple with localization data, a Dict mapping the proteinID to its modification \
localizations in the dataframe, and a Dict mapping proteinID's to their fragment localizations in the dataframe
# parses out the localizations of the PTM by aligning each modified fragment to the protein sequences given in
# protein_seqrecords, parsing out the modification index in each protein fragment, and using the fragment's index in
# the full protein as an offset to calculate the localization's index in the full protein.
......@@ -164,7 +196,7 @@ def parseprotlocalizations(ftuple: FileTuple, protein_seqrecords: Dict) -> \
frag_index_in_prot = protein_seq.find(row.stripped_sequence)
# if the fragment is contained in the current protein
if frag_index_in_prot != -1:
positions_in_master.append((frag_index_in_prot + 1, frag_index_in_prot + len(row.stripped_sequence)))
positions_in_master.append([(frag_index_in_prot + 1, frag_index_in_prot + len(row.stripped_sequence))])
mod_string = row.modifications
if not str(mod_string) == "nan":
matches = re.finditer(regex, mod_string)
......@@ -192,18 +224,50 @@ def parseprotlocalizations(ftuple: FileTuple, protein_seqrecords: Dict) -> \
# todo
def calcresiduemodproportions(ftuple, localization_col_titles, frag_localization_col_titles, protein_seqrecords):
def calcresiduemodabundances(ftuple, localization_col_titles, frag_localization_col_titles, abundance_col_title,
Calculates, for a dataframe of localized ptm data, the abundance of each residue and how much that resiude is
:param ftuple: FileTuple containing the file ID and the DataFrame with localized data
:param localization_col_titles: dict mapping protein ID to the column containing the mod localization
:param frag_localization_col_titles: dict mapping proteinID to the fragment localization column title
:param abundance_col_title: title of the abundance column of interest in the dataframe
:param protein_seqrecords: dict containing the protein ID mapped to each SeqRecord
:return: a dict mapping proteinIDs to their residue abundance arrays
fdata = ftuple.FileData
prot_abundances: Dict = dict() # a dict of each protein ID mapped to its respective abundance array
for proteinID, mod_column_title in localization_col_titles.items():
protein_len = len(protein_seqrecords[proteinID])
res_abundances = np.zeros(protein_len, dtype=float)
res_mod_abdundances = np.zeros(protein_len, dtype=float)
# THIS IS ONE INDEXED. RESIDUE 1 IS IN INDEX 1 of the array. index 0 is UNUSED
res_abundances = np.zeros((protein_len + 1, 2), dtype=float) # col. 0= mod abundance, col. 1=residue abundance
for row in fdata.iterrows():
fragment = row[1]
mod_localization = fragment[mod_column_title]
frag_localization = fragment[frag_localization_col_titles[proteinID]]
abundance_col_title = abundance_col_title.strip().lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('(', '') \
.replace(')', '').replace("#", "num")
frag_abundance = fragment[abundance_col_title]
# if the fragment is in the given protein
if frag_localization != -1:
# only uses the first localization
for i in range(frag_localization[0][0], frag_localization[0][1] + 1, 1):
# add the abundance to the abundance of each resiude in the fragment
res_abundances[i][1] += frag_abundance
for mod in mod_localization:
# add the abundance to each modified residue contained in the fragment
res_abundances[mod][0] += frag_abundance
prot_abundances.update({proteinID: res_abundances})
return prot_abundances
# todo
def calcpeptidemodproportions(ftuple, localization_col_titles, frag_localization_col_titles):
......@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ title="Abundance Parser Configuration"
# path to file2
# ]
#fasta file(s) containing the protein sequence(s) to align against
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