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Commit 68ed6324 authored by Felix Perez's avatar Felix Perez
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Replace the shell block with a script block in the runSource process.

parent e85b13d0
Branches main
1 merge request!8Replace the shell block with a script block in the runSource process.
......@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ ENV/
# Mac OS
# nextflow analysis folders/files
# Nextflow analysis folders/files
......@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@ minimum_astrocyte_version: '2.0.1'
# The Nextflow version that requires to run this workflow. For old pipelines, which do not have this label
# a default value of 0.31.0 will be assigned automatically. Please make sure the requested nextflow version is available
# in the module list.
nextflow_version: '0.31.0'
nextflow_version: '22.04.5'
# (Optional) The Nextflow config file to use for this workflow. If provided, the file should exist in workflow/configs
nextflow_config: 'biohpc.config'
# The container to use for this workflow, none/singularity. If omitted, the default value 'none' will be used.
container: 'singularity'
container: 'none'
# The version of singularity to use. This is required if container == 'singularity'
singularity_version: '3.9.9'
......@@ -73,16 +73,8 @@ documentation_files:
# A list of cluster environment modules that this workflow requires to run.
# Specify versioned module names to ensure reproducability.
- Test
# A list of container images required to run this workflow.
# Specify full path and version names to ensure reproducibility.
# This keyword is required when 'container' is specified in Astrocyte 0.4.1 and above.
# Singularity supports different registries, please specify the protocol to use.
# Such as, "docker://", "shub://", "library://", etc. We encourage you to use the GitLab
# container registry of BioHPC to save and manage your container images.
# - docker://
- 'python/3.8.x-anaconda'
- 'openjdk/18'
# A list of parameters used by the workflow, defining how to present them,
# options etc in the web interface. For each parameter:
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ This repo is used to wrap the existing ATAC-seq pipeline listed below (Runner),
- The ATAC-seq Runner workflow, 'astrocyte-atac-runner] ( This repo contains the original ATAC-seq pipeline developed by the ENCODE team.
## The ATAC-seq Runner workflow
<!-- TODO: Fill out intro to ATAC-seq pipeline. Which commands do we use to run this pipeline? What will the NextFlow script use? (AS) (DONE)-->
This pipeline is designed for automated end-to-end quality control and processing of ATAC-seq. The pipeline can be run end-to-end, starting from raw FASTQ files all the way to peak calling and signal track generation using a single caper submit command. One can also start the pipeline from intermediate stages (for example, using alignment files as input). The pipeline supports both single-end and paired-end data as well as replicated or non-replicated datasets. The outputs produced by the pipeline include 1) formatted HTML reports that include quality control measures specifically designed for ATAC-seq and DNase-seq data, 2) analysis of reproducibility, 3) stringent and relaxed thresholding of peaks, 4) fold-enrichment and pvalue signal tracks.
singularity {
enabled = true
runOptions = ''
// Below connects the experimental atac container to BioHPC's Slurm job scheduler.
// runOptions = '\
// --bind /cm/shared/apps/slurm/16.05.8,/etc/slurm,/cm/shared/apps/slurm/var/etc/,/usr/lib64/ \
// --bind /usr/lib64/,/usr/lib64/,/var/run/munge,/usr/lib64/ \
// --bind /usr/lib64/,/cm/shared/apps/slurm/16.05.8/lib64/slurm/'
// Please do NOT use "--disable-cache" in this runOptions.
// Starting from version 2.0.0, the astrocyte_cli will clean up the cache automatically.
// runOptions = '--bind /vagrant:/vagrant' // Use this one for vagrant development env only
cacheDir = "$baseDir/images/singularity" // Singularity images specified in `workflow_containers` of astrocyte_pkg.yml will be saved to
// this folder automatically, before running the workflow. The images will be renamed as
// "NAME-TAG.img", e.g. ubuntu-latest.img, centos-centos8.img, r-4.1.1.img, etc.
process {
executor = 'slurm'
clusterOptions = '--hold --no-kill'
queue = 'super'
beforeScript = 'ulimit -Ss unlimited'
withName:runSource {
// Experimental containerized version of the caper software.
// container = 'docker://'
module = ['python/3.8.x-anaconda', 'openjdk/18']
executor = 'local'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -26,15 +26,14 @@ process runSource {
file '*'
export PATH="/cm/shared/apps/openjdk/18/jdk-18/bin:/cm/shared/apps/python/3.8.x-anaconda/condabin:/cm/shared/apps/python/3.8.x-anaconda/bin:$PATH"
python --version > python_version.txt
java -version 2> java_version_before.txt
module load python/3.8.x-anaconda
module load openjdk/18
# Enable the use of bash-specific conda commands in this shell.
eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)"
eval "\$(conda shell.bash hook)"
# Create a temporary conda environment for caper.
conda create -y -c bioconda -c defaults -c conda-forge --name astrocyte-atac-caper python=3.8.18
......@@ -51,20 +50,20 @@ process runSource {
caper --version > caper_version.txt
# Launch the ATAC-seq leader job.
jobsubmit=$(caper hpc submit !{baseDir}/external_repo/astrocyte-atac-runner/atac.wdl -i !{inputJson} --singularity --leader-job-name atac-source)
jobsubmit=\$(caper hpc submit $baseDir/external_repo/astrocyte-atac-runner/atac.wdl -i $inputJson --singularity --leader-job-name atac-source)
# Monitor the state of the leader job; if it enters the COMPLETED, FAILED, or CANCELLED state, then finish the workflow process.
state=$(bash !{baseDir}/scripts/ "${jobsubmit}")
echo "Lead Job state check $(date) - State: $state" >> lead_job_check.txt
while [[ "$state" != *"COMPLETED"* ]] && [[ "$state" != *"FAILED"* ]] && [[ "$state" != *"CANCELLED"* ]]; do
state=\$(bash $baseDir/scripts/ "\$jobsubmit")
echo "Lead Job state check \$(date) - State: \$state" >> lead_job_check.txt
while [[ "\$state" != *"COMPLETED"* ]] && [[ "\$state" != *"FAILED"* ]] && [[ "\$state" != *"CANCELLED"* ]]; do
sleep 15
state=$(bash !{baseDir}/scripts/ "${jobsubmit}")
echo "Lead Job state check $(date) - State: $state" >> lead_job_check.txt
state=\$(bash $baseDir/scripts/ "\$jobsubmit")
echo "Lead Job state check \$(date) - State: \$state" >> lead_job_check.txt
# Deactivate the temporary caper conda environment and delete it.
conda deactivate
conda remove --name astrocyte-atac-caper --all
rm -rf ~/.caper/
# Get the jobID of the caper lead job from the input txt file.
# Get the jobID of the caper lead job from the given input string.
read -ra line <<< "$1"
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