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Commit ff59f96d authored by Brandi Cantarel's avatar Brandi Cantarel
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adding updates to sv and somatic coding

parent b03c7f3f
Tags publish_0.0.9
No related merge requests found
......@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ fi
if [ $algo == 'mutect2' ]
module load parallel gatk/3.7 snpeff/4.3q vcftools/0.1.14
cut -f 1 ${index_path}/genomefile.5M.txt | parallel --delay 2 -j 10 "java -Xmx20g -jar \$GATK_JAR -R ${reffa} -D ${dbsnp} -T MuTect2 -stand_call_conf 30 -stand_emit_conf 10.0 -A FisherStrand -A QualByDepth -A VariantType -A DepthPerAlleleBySample -A HaplotypeScore -A AlleleBalance -I:tumor ${tumor} -I:normal ${normal} --cosmic ${cosmic} -o ${tid}.{}.mutect.vcf -L {}"
cut -f 1 ${index_path}/genomefile.5M.txt | parallel --delay 2 -j 10 "java -Xmx20g -jar \$GATK_JAR -R ${reffa} -D ${dbsnp} -T MuTect2 -stand_call_conf 10 -A FisherStrand -A QualByDepth -A VariantType -A DepthPerAlleleBySample -A HaplotypeScore -A AlleleBalance -I:tumor ${tumor} -I:normal ${normal} --cosmic ${cosmic} -o ${tid}.{}.mutect.vcf -L {}"
vcf-concat ${tid}*.vcf | vcf-sort | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type | java -jar \$SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter -p '((FS <= 60) & GEN[*].DP >= 10)' | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bgzip > ${pair_id}.pmutect.vcf.gz
......@@ -130,5 +130,6 @@ fi
if [ $algo == 'lancet' ]
module load snpeff/4.3q lancet vcftools/0.1.14
lancet --tumor ${tumor} --normal ${normal} --ref $reffa --bed $target_panel --num-threads 16 > out.vcf
vcf-concat out.vcf | vcf-sort | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type -n | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bedtools intersect -header -a stdin -b $target_panel |bgzip > ${tid}_${nid}.lancet.vcf.gz
lancet --tumor ${tumor} --normal ${normal} --ref $reffa --bed $target_panel --num-threads 16 > lancet.vcf
vcf-sort lancet.vcf | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type -n | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bgzip > ${pair_id}.lancet.vcf.gz
......@@ -135,5 +135,3 @@ java -Xmx10g -jar $SNPEFF_HOME/snpEff.jar -no-intergenic -lof -c $SNPEFF_HOME/sn
perl $baseDir/ -i ${pair_id}.sv.annot.vcf
bgzip ${pair_id}.sv.annot.vcf
tabix ${pair_id}.sv.annot.vcf.gz
0% or .
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