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Commit 679cd228 authored by Brandi Cantarel's avatar Brandi Cantarel
Browse files

umi RG bug

parent 2c1dee61
Tags publish_0.0.5
No related merge requests found
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
open OUT, ">utswv2_cds.lackscov.txt" or die $!;
open OUT2, ">utswv2_cds.covstats.txt" or die $!;
open MISS, ">utswv2_cds.missingcov.txt" or die $!;
print MISS join("\t",'Sample','Chromosome','Position','ExonName',
my $cfile = shift @ARGV;
my $prefix = (split(/\./,$cfile))[0];
open OUT2, ">$prefix\_exoncoverage.txt" or die $!;
open MISS, ">$prefix\_lowcoverage.txt" or die $!;
print MISS join("\t",'Sample','Chromosome','Start','End','ExonName',
print OUT2 join("\t",'Sample','Chromosome','Position','ExonName',
print OUT2 join("\t",'Sample','Chromosome','Start','End','ExonName',
print OUT join("\t",'Chromosome','Position','ExonName','NumberSamples10X-_HalfExon'),"\n";
my %totalbp;
my %numsamp;
my @covfiles = @ARGV;
my %cov;
my %covstats;
foreach $cfile (@covfiles) {
my %good;
my $prefix = (split(/\./,$cfile))[0];
open COV, "<$cfile" or die $!;
while (my $line = <COV>) {
next if ($line =~ m/^all/);
my ($chrom,$pos,$end,$name,$depth,$bp,$total,$percent) = split(/\t/,$line);
my $region = join(":",$chrom,$pos,$end);
$cov{$region}{$depth} = $percent;
$covstats{$region}{sumdepth} += $depth*$bp;
$exons{$region} = $name;
$totalbp{$region} = $total;
if ($depth <= 10) {
$poor{$region} += $bp;
if ($depth >= 100) {
$good{$region} += $bp;
my %exons;
my %totalbp;
my %good;
open COV, "<$cfile" or die $!;
while (my $line = <COV>) {
next if ($line =~ m/^all/);
my ($chrom,$pos,$end,$name,$depth,$bp,$total,$percent) = split(/\t/,$line);
my $region = join(":",$chrom,$pos,$end);
$cov{$region}{$depth} = $percent;
$covstats{$region}{sumdepth} += $depth*$bp;
$exons{$region} = $name;
$totalbp{$region} = $total;
if ($depth >= 100) {
$good{$region} += $bp;
close COV;
foreach $reg (keys %totalbp) {
$good{$reg} = 0 unless $good{$reg};
$poor{$reg} = 0 unless $poor{$reg};
if ($totalbp{$reg} < 1) {
my $avgdepth = sprintf("%.0f",$covstats{$reg}{sumdepth}/$totalbp{$reg});
my @depths = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$cov{$reg}};
%covhash = %{$cov{$reg}};
my @perc = @covhash{@depths};
my @cum_sum = cumsum(@perc);
my $mediandep = 0;
foreach my $i (0..$#cum_sum) {
if ($cum_sum[$i] < 0.5) {
$mediandep = $depths[$i];
$good_fract = sprintf("%.4f",$good{$reg}/$totalbp{$reg});
$poor_fract = sprintf("%.4f",$poor{$reg}/$totalbp{$reg});
print OUT2 join("\t",$prefix,split(/:/,$reg),$exons{$reg},$depths[0],$depths[-1],$mediandep,$avgdepth,$good_fract,$poor_fract,$good{$reg},$poor{$reg},$totalbp{$reg}),"\n";
if ($poor_fract> 0.5) {
$numsamp{$reg} ++;
print MISS join("\t",$prefix,split(/:/,$reg),$exons{$reg},$depths[0],$depths[-1],$mediandep,$avgdepth,$good_fract,$poor_fract,$good{$reg},$poor{$reg},$totalbp{$reg}),"\n";
close COV;
foreach $reg (keys %totalbp) {
$good{$reg} = 0 unless $good{$reg};
if ($totalbp{$reg} < 1) {
my $avgdepth = sprintf("%.0f",$covstats{$reg}{sumdepth}/$totalbp{$reg});
my @depths = sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$cov{$reg}};
my %covhash = %{$cov{$reg}};
my @perc = @covhash{@depths};
my @cum_sum = cumsum(@perc);
my $mediandep = 0;
foreach my $i (0..$#cum_sum) {
if ($cum_sum[$i] < 0.5) {
$mediandep = $depths[$i];
$good_fract = sprintf("%.4f",$good{$reg}/$totalbp{$reg});
print OUT2 join("\t",$prefix,split(/:/,$reg),$exons{$reg},$depths[0],$depths[-1],$mediandep,$avgdepth,$good_fract,$good{$reg},$totalbp{$reg}),"\n";
if ($good_fract < 1) {
print MISS join("\t",$prefix,split(/:/,$reg),$exons{$reg},$depths[0],$depths[-1],$mediandep,$avgdepth,$good_fract,$good{$reg},$totalbp{$reg}),"\n";
foreach $reg (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %numsamp) {
print OUT join("\t",split(/:/,$reg),$exons{$reg},$numsamp{$reg}),"\n";
sub cumsum {
my @nums = @_;
my @cumsum = ();
......@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ then
samtools fastq -1 ${pair_id}.consensus.R1.fastq -2 ${pair_id}.consensus.R2.fastq ${pair_id}.consensus.bam
gzip ${pair_id}.consensus.R1.fastq
gzip ${pair_id}.consensus.R2.fastq
bwa mem -M -C -t 2 -R '@RG\tID:${pair_id}\tLB:tx\tPL:illumina\tPU:barcode\tSM:${pair_id}' /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh38/genome.fa ${pair_id}.consensus.R1.fastq.gz ${pair_id}.consensus.R2.fastq.gz | samtools view -1 - > ${pair_id}.consensus.bam
bwa mem -M -C -t 2 -R "@RG\tID:${pair_id}\tLB:tx\tPL:illumina\tPU:barcode\tSM:${pair_id}" /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh38/genome.fa ${pair_id}.consensus.R1.fastq.gz ${pair_id}.consensus.R2.fastq.gz | samtools view -1 - > ${pair_id}.consensus.bam
samtools sort --threads 10 -o ${pair_id}.dedup.bam ${pair_id}.consensus.bam
cp ${sbam} ${pair_id}.dedup.bam
0% or .
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