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astrocyte_pkg.yml 7.46 KiB
# metadata for the example astrocyte ChipSeq workflow package

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# A unique identifier for the workflow package, text/underscores only
name: 'example_wordcount'
# Who wrote this?
author: 'Peng Lian, Devin OKelly'
# A contact email address for questions
email: ''
# A more informative title for the workflow package
title: 'Example Wordcount Workflow'
# A summary of the workflow package in plain text
description: |
  This is a minimal test workflow package that counts the occurences of words
  in a test file. It can be used as a template to develop workflows, and as to
  test the astrocyte platform. Please note that start from publish version 
  0.0.8 and test version 0.0.2, this workflow will only support Astrocyte 0.4.1
  and above.

#### New Features in Astrocyte 0.4.0 and above ####
citation: |
  Please cite individual programs and versions of pipeline
  used, and the overall pipeline doi: 12.3456/zenodo.9876543.
  Please cite in publications:
  Pipeline was developed by BioHPC.
# The minimum Astrocyte version that requires to run this workflow. For old pipelines, which do not have this label 
# a default value of 0.3.1 will be assigned automatically. A request of minimum version less than 0.4.0 will be ignored.
minimum_astrocyte_version: '2.0.0'
# The Nextflow version that requires to run this workflow.  For old pipelines, which do not have this label 
# a default value of 0.31.0 will be assigned automatically. Please make sure the requested nextflow version is available
# in the module list.
nextflow_version: '22.04.5'
# (Optional) The Nextflow config file to use for this workflow. If provided, the file should exist in workflow/configs
nextflow_config: 'biohpc.config'
# The container to use for this workflow, none/singularity. If omitted, the default value 'none' will be used.
container: 'singularity'
# The version of singularity to use. This is required if container == 'singularity'
singularity_version: '3.5.3'

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# A list of documentation file in .md format that should be viewable from the
# web interface. These files are in the 'docs' subdirectory. The first file
# listed will be used as a documentation index and is by convention
# To supply a title for documentation use a pair of [ 'filename', 'title' ]

  - [ '', 'Wordcount Help' ]

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# Remember - The workflow file is always named 'workflow/main.f'
#            The workflow must publish all final output into $baseDir

# A list of clueter environment modules that this workflow requires to run.
# Specify versioned module names to ensure reproducability.
  - Test

# A list of container images requires to run this workflow.