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Commit 6b717038 authored by Venkat Malladi's avatar Venkat Malladi
Browse files

Flake8 code.

parent ac22d9cf
No related merge requests found
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ def check_tools():'Checking for required libraries and components on this system')
macs_path = shutil.which("macs2")
if r_path:
if macs_path:'Found MACS2: %s', macs_path)
# Get Version
......@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ def call_peaks_macs(experiment, xcor, control, prefix, genome_size, chrom_sizes)
fragment_length = frag_lengths.split(',')[0] # grab first value"Fraglen %s", fragment_length)
# Generate narrow peaks and preliminary signal tracks
command = 'macs2 callpeak ' + \
......@@ -155,7 +154,6 @@ def call_peaks_macs(experiment, xcor, control, prefix, genome_size, chrom_sizes)
narrowpeak_fn = '%s.narrowPeak' % (prefix)
clipped_narrowpeak_fn = 'clipped-%s' % (narrowpeak_fn)
steps = ['slopBed -i %s -g %s -b 0' % (int_narrowpeak_fn, chrom_sizes),
'bedClip stdin %s %s' % (chrom_sizes, clipped_narrowpeak_fn)]
......@@ -198,7 +198,6 @@ def main():
# Run coverage
check_coverage(design_df, extension)
......@@ -197,7 +197,6 @@ def dedup_mapped(bam, bam_basename, paired):
# Remove duplicates
final_bam_prefix = bam_basename + ".dedup"
final_bam_filename = final_bam_prefix + ".bam"
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ def get_args():
# Functions
def check_tools():
'''Checks for required componenets on user system'''
......@@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ def motif_search(filename, genome, experiment, peak):
peak_no = peak
sorted_fn = '%s.%s.narrowPeak' % (file_basename, peak)
sorted_fn = '%s.%s.narrowPeak' % (file_basename, peak_no)
out, err = utils.run_pipe([
'sort -k %dgr,%dgr %s' % (5, 5, filename),
......@@ -127,8 +128,7 @@ def motif_search(filename, genome, experiment, peak):
if err:
logger.error("bedtools error: %s", err)
#Call memechip
# Call memechip
out, err = utils.run_pipe([
'meme-chip -oc %s -meme-minw 5 -meme-maxw 15 -meme-nmotifs 10 %s -norand' % (out_motif, out_fa)])
if err:
......@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import os
import argparse
import logging
import shutil
import subprocess
import pandas as pd
import utils
......@@ -153,7 +153,6 @@ def self_psuedoreplication(tag_file, prefix, paired):"Running psuedo with %s", psuedo_command)
# Convert read pairs to reads into standard tagAlign file
for i, index in enumerate([0, 1]):
......@@ -344,7 +343,6 @@ def main():
tmp_metadata['tag_align'] = path_to_file
design_new_df = design_new_df.append(tmp_metadata)
# Write out new dataframe
design_new_df.to_csv(experiment_id + '_ppr.tsv',
header=True, sep='\t', index=False)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
'''Make YAML of software versions.'''
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
regexes = {
software_regex = {
'Trim Galore!': ['version_trimgalore.txt', r"version (\S+)"],
'Cutadapt': ['version_cutadapt.txt', r"Version (\S+)"],
'BWA': ['version_bwa.txt', r"Version: (\S+)"],
......@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ results['DiffBind'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
results['deepTools'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">N/A</span>'
# Search each file using its regex
for k, v in regexes.items():
for k, v in software_regex.items():
with open(v[0]) as x:
versions =
match =[1], versions)
......@@ -61,6 +63,6 @@ print(
<dl class="dl-horizontal">
for k,v in results.items():
print(" <dt>{}</dt><dd>{}</dd>".format(k,v))
for k, v in results.items():
print(" <dt>{}</dt><dd>{}</dd>".format(k, v))
print(" </dl>")
......@@ -96,13 +96,11 @@ def xcor(tag, paired):
tag_basename = os.path.basename(utils.strip_extensions(tag, STRIP_EXTENSIONS))
uncompressed_tag_filename = tag_basename
# Subsample tagAlign file
number_reads = 15000000
subsampled_tag_filename = \
tag_basename + ".%d.tagAlign.gz" % (number_reads/1000000)
steps = [
'zcat %s' % (tag),
'grep -v "chrM"',
......@@ -142,7 +140,6 @@ def xcor(tag, paired):
return cc_scores_filename
def main():
args = get_args()
paired = args.paired
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