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# Shown in the side menu
copyright = "© 2019. All rights reserved."
canonifyurls = true
paginate = 10
tag = "tags"
topic = "topics"
# Shown in the home page
institution = "UT Southwestern Medical Center"
isite = ""
brand = "Strand Lab"
department = "Department of Urology"
dsite = ""
description = "Investigating lower urinary tract biology"
# CSS name for highlight.js
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dateFormat = "02 Jan 2006, 15:04"
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name = "Research"
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weight = 1
identifier = "research"
url = "/research"
name = "People"
pre = "<i class='fas fa-user fa-fw'></i>"
weight = 2
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url = "/people/"
name = "Publications"
pre = "<i class='fas fa-book fa-fw'></i>"
weight = 3
identifier = "publications"
url = "/publications/"
name = "Biorepository"
pre = "<i class='fas fa-stethoscope fa-fw'></i>"
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url = "/repository/"
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