Include Phantompeakqualtools step
Add in Phantompeakqualtools
Use phantompeakqualtools to get NSC RSC est_frag_len
Add in Phantompeakqualtools
Use phantompeakqualtools to get NSC RSC est_frag_len
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changed the description
Here are the commands to install this, it doesn't seem to work in R/3.4.2 for me but 3.3 works.
module add R/3.3.2-gccmkl git boost/gcc/1.61.1 export CPATH=/cm/shared/apps/boost/gcc/1.61.0/include:$CPATH
git clone cd phantompeakquotatools
R R CMD INSTALL spp_1.14.tar.gz
Finally you can run it: Rscript run_spp.R
Note: I a lot of R packages installed in my home directory due to installation testing, you may or may not have them, just run:
install.packages('name') to install them.
Long Lu
changed the description
mentioned in merge request !11 (merged)
closed via commit 17b7de97
closed via merge request !11 (merged)