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Beibei Chen's avatar
Beibei Chen committed
# metadata for the example astrocyte ChipSeq workflow package

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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# A unique identifier for the workflow package, text/underscores only
name: 'chipseq_analysis_bicf'
# Who wrote this?
author: 'Beibei Chen and Venkat Malladi'
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Beibei Chen committed
# A contact email address for questions
email: ''
# A more informative title for the workflow package
title: 'BICF ChIP-seq Analysis Workflow'
# A summary of the workflow package in plain text
description: |
  This is a workflow package for the BioHPC/BICF ChIP-seq workflow system.
  It implements ChIP-seq analysis workflow and visualization application.
Beibei Chen's avatar
Beibei Chen committed

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# A list of documentation file in .md format that should be viewable from the
# web interface. These files are in the 'docs' subdirectory. The first file
# listed will be used as a documentation index and is by convention
  - ['', 'chipseq-analysis']

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Remember - The workflow file is always named 'workflow/'
Beibei Chen's avatar
Beibei Chen committed
#            The workflow must publish all final output into $baseDir

# A list of cluster environment modules that this workflow requires to run.
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# Specify versioned module names to ensure reproducability.
  - 'python/3.6.1-2-anaconda'
  - 'trimgalore/0.4.1'
  - 'cutadapt/1.9.1'
  - 'fastqc/0.11.2'
  - 'bwa/intel/0.7.15'
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Beibei Chen committed

# A list of parameters used by the workflow, defining how to present them,
# options etc in the web interface. For each parameter:
#  id:         The name of the parameter in the NEXTFLOW workflow
#  type:       The type of the parameter, one of:
#                string    - A free-format string
#                integer   - An integer
#                real      - A real number
#                file      - A single file from user data
#                files     - One or more files from user data
#                select    - A selection from a list of values
#  required:    true/false, must the parameter be entered/chosen?
#  description: A user friendly description of the meaning of the parameter
#  default:   A default value for the parameter (optional)
#  min:       Minium value/characters/files for number/string/files types
#  max:       Maxumum value/characters/files for number/string/files types
#  regex:     A regular expression that describes valid entries / filenames
#  choices:   A set of choices presented to the user for the parameter.
#             Each choice is a pair of value and description, e.g.
#             choices:
#               - [ 'myval', 'The first option']
#               - [ 'myval', 'The second option']
# NOTE - All parameters are passed to NEXTFLOW as strings... but they
#        are validated by astrocyte using the information provided above


  - id: reads
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    type: files
    required: true
    description: |
      One or more input FASTQ files from a ChIP-seq expereiment and a design
      file with the link bewetwen the same file name and sample id
    regex: ".*(fastq|fq)*"
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Beibei Chen's avatar
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    type: select
    required: true
      - [ 'true', 'True']
      - [ 'false', 'False']
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    description: |
      In single-end sequencing, the sequencer reads a fragment from only one
      end to the other, generating the sequence of base pairs. In paired-end
      reading it starts at one read, finishes this direction at the specified
      read length, and then starts another round of reading from the opposite
      end of the fragment.
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Beibei Chen committed

Venkat Malladi's avatar
Venkat Malladi committed
  - id: design
    type: file
    required: true
    description: |
      A design file listing sample id, fastq files, corresponding control id
      and additional information about the sample.

Venkat Malladi's avatar
Venkat Malladi committed
  - id: genome
    type: select
      - [ 'GRCh38', 'Human GRCh38']
      - [ 'GRCh37', 'Human GRCh37']
      - [ 'GRCh38', 'Mouse GRCh38']
    required: true
    description: |
      Reference species and genome used for alignment and subsequent analysis.
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Beibei Chen committed
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Remember - The vizapp is always 'vizapp/server.R' 'vizapp/ui.R'
#            The workflow must publish all final output into $baseDir

# Name of the R module that the vizapp will run against
vizapp_r_module: 'R/3.2.1-intel'

# List of any CRAN packages, not provided by the modules, that must be made
# available to the vizapp
  - shiny
  - shinyFiles

# List of any Bioconductor packages, not provided by the modules,
# that must be made available to the vizapp
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Beibei Chen committed
  - qusage
#  - ballgown
  - js229/Vennerable