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  • BICF/Astrocyte/chipseq_analysis
  • s190984/chipseq_analysis
  • astrocyte/workflows/bicf/chipseq_analysis
  • s219741/chipseq-analysis-containerized
Show changes
with 254 additions and 62 deletions
File added
File added
sample_id experiment_id biosample factor treatment replicate control_id fastq_read1
ENCLB497XZB ENCSR000DXB Panc1 H3K4me3 None 1 ENCLB304SBJ ENCFF001GBW.fastq.gz
ENCLB304SBJ ENCSR000DXC Panc1 Control None 1 ENCLB304SBJ ENCFF001HWJ.fastq.gz
......@@ -25,3 +25,9 @@ wget
echo "Done with Paired-end"
echo "Downloading Single-end data set Human ENCSR000DXB and ENCSR000DXC"
echo "Done with Single-end"
Test.20.tagAlign.gz 18588987 0,20,33 0.211525291335199,0.211232019956852,0.211139666755398 35 0.2123067 1500 0.209429 1.01001 0.7284536 0

24.3 KiB

......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ process {
executor = 'slurm'
queue = 'super'
clusterOptions = '--hold'
beforeScript= 'ulimit -Ss unlimited'
// Process specific configuration
withName: checkDesignFile {
......@@ -44,6 +45,10 @@ process {
module = ['python/3.6.1-2-anaconda', 'macs/2.1.0-20151222', 'UCSC_userApps/v317', 'bedtools/2.26.0', 'phantompeakqualtools/1.2']
queue = '128GB,256GB,256GBv1'
withName: plotProfile {
module = ['deeptools/']
cpus = 32
withName: consensusPeaks {
module = ['python/3.6.1-2-anaconda', 'bedtools/2.26.0']
executor = 'local'
......@@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ process {
cpus = 32
withName: multiqcReport {
module = ['python/3.6.1-2-anaconda', 'pandoc/2.7', 'multiqc/1.7']
module = ['python/3.6.1-2-anaconda', 'pandoc/2.7', 'singularity/3.0.2']
executor = 'local'
......@@ -70,22 +75,28 @@ params {
// Reference file paths on BioHPC
genomes {
'GRCh38' {
bwa = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh38'
bwa = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh38'
genomesize = 'hs'
chromsizes = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh38/genomefile.txt'
fasta = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh38/genome.fa'
chromsizes = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh38/genomefile.txt'
fasta = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh38/genome.fa'
gtf = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh38/gencode.v25.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf'
geneNames = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh38/genenames.txt'
'GRCh37' {
bwa = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh37'
bwa = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh37'
genomesize = 'hs'
chromsizes = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh37/genomefile.txt'
fasta = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCh37/genome.fa'
chromsizes = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh37/genomefile.txt'
fasta = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh37/genome.fa'
gtf = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh37/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf'
geneNames = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/human/GRCh37/genenames.txt'
'GRCm38' {
bwa = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCm38'
bwa = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/mouse/GRCm38'
genomesize = 'mm'
chromsizes = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCm38/genomefile.txt'
fasta = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/GRCm38/genome.fa'
chromsizes = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/mouse/GRCm38/genomefile.txt'
fasta = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/mouse/GRCm38/genome.fa'
gtf = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/mouse/GRCm38/gencode.vM20.annotation.gtf'
geneNames = '/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/mouse/GRCm38/genenames.txt'
# Custom Logo
custom_logo: 'bicf_logo.png'
custom_logo_url: ''
custom_logo_title: 'Bioinformatics Core Facility'
- Contact E-mail: ''
- Application Type: 'ChIP-seq'
- Department: 'Bioinformatic Core Facility, Department of Bioinformatics'
- Contributors and Licensing: 'See'
# Title to use for the report.
title: BICF ChIP-seq Analysis Report
#!/usr/bin/env nextflow
BICF ChIP-seq Analysis Workflow
#### Homepage / Documentation
Licensed under MIT (
// Path to an input file, or a pattern for multiple inputs
// Note - $baseDir is the location of this workflow file
// Define Input variables
params.reads = "$baseDir/../test_data/*.fastq.gz"
params.pairedEnd = 'false'
params.pairedEnd = false
params.designFile = "$baseDir/../test_data/design_ENCSR238SGC_SE.txt"
params.genome = 'GRCm38'
params.cutoffRatio = 1.2
params.outDir= "$baseDir/output"
params.extendReadsLen = 100
params.topPeakCount = 600
params.astrocyte = 'false'
params.astrocyte = false
params.skipDiff = false
params.skipMotif = false
params.skipPlotProfile = false
params.references = "$baseDir/../docs/"
params.multiqc = "$baseDir/conf/multiqc_config.yaml" = false = false
// Assign variables if astrocyte
if (params.astrocyte) {
print("Running under astrocyte")
referenceLocation = "/project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref"
params.bwaIndex = "$referenceLocation/$params.genome"
params.chromSizes = "$referenceLocation/$params.genome/genomefile.txt"
params.fasta = "$referenceLocation/$params.genome/genome.fa.txt"
if (params.genome == 'GRCh37' || params.genome == 'GRCh38') {
if (params.genome == 'GRCh37') {
params.bwaIndex = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome"
params.chromSizes = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/genomefile.txt"
params.fasta = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/genome.fa"
params.gtf = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/gencode.v19.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf"
params.geneNames = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/genenames.txt"
params.genomeSize = 'hs'
} else if (params.genome == 'GRCm38') {
params.bwaIndex = "$referenceLocation/mouse/$params.genome"
params.chromSizes = "$referenceLocation/mouse/$params.genome/genomefile.txt"
params.fasta = "$referenceLocation/mouse/$params.genome/genome.fa"
params.gtf = "$referenceLocation/mouse/$params.genome/gencode.vM20.annotation.gtf"
params.geneNames = "$referenceLocation/mouse/$params.genome/genenames.txt"
params.genomeSize = 'mm'
} else if (params.genome == 'GRCh38') {
params.bwaIndex = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome"
params.chromSizes = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/genomefile.txt"
params.fasta = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/genome.fa"
params.gtf = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/gencode.v25.chr_patch_hapl_scaff.annotation.gtf"
params.geneNames = "$referenceLocation/human/$params.genome/genenames.txt"
params.genomeSize = 'hs'
} else {
params.bwaIndex = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].bwa ?: false : false
params.genomeSize = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].genomesize ?: false : false
params.chromSizes = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].chromsizes ?: false : false
params.fasta = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].fasta ?: false : false
params.gtf = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].gtf ?: false : false
params.geneNames = params.genome ? params.genomes[ params.genome ].geneNames ?: false : false
......@@ -56,7 +86,8 @@ readsList = Channel
.collectFile( name: 'fileList.tsv', newLine: true )
// Define regular variables
designFile = params.designFile
pairedEnd = params.pairedEnd
designFile = Channel.fromPath(params.designFile)
genomeSize = params.genomeSize
genome = params.genome
chromSizes = params.chromSizes
......@@ -67,15 +98,37 @@ extendReadsLen = params.extendReadsLen
topPeakCount = params.topPeakCount
skipDiff = params.skipDiff
skipMotif = params.skipMotif
skipPlotProfile = params.skipPlotProfile
references = params.references
multiqc = params.multiqc
gtfFile = params.gtf
geneNames = params.geneNames
if (params.pairedEnd == 'false'){
pairedEnd = false
} else {
pairedEnd = true
* trackStart: track start of pipeline
process trackStart {
ulimit -a
curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X PUT -d '{ \
"sessionId": "${workflow.sessionId}", \
"pipeline": "chipseq_analysis", \
"start": "${workflow.start}", \
"astrocyte": ${params.astrocyte}, \
"status": "started", \
"nextflowVersion": "${workflow.nextflow.version}", \
"pipelineVersion": "1.1.2", \
"ci": ${}, \
"dev": ${}}' \
// Check design file for errors
process checkDesignFile {
......@@ -83,7 +136,7 @@ process checkDesignFile {
file designFile
file readsList
......@@ -331,6 +384,8 @@ process crossReads {
else {
module load python/3.6.1-2-anaconda
module load phantompeakqualtools/1.2
python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -t $seTagAlign
......@@ -417,6 +472,7 @@ process callPeaksMACS {
set sampleId, file('*.narrowPeak'), file('*'), file('*'), experimentId, biosample, factor, treatment, replicate, controlId into experimentPeaks
file '*.xls' into callPeaksMACSsummit
file('version_*.txt') into callPeaksMACSVersions
file("*") into bigwigs
......@@ -449,6 +505,29 @@ peaksDesign = experimentPeaks
.collectFile(name:'design_peak.tsv', seed:"sample_id\tpeaks\tfc_signal\tpvalue_signal\texperiment_id\tbiosample\tfactor\ttreatment\treplicate\tcontrol_id\n", storeDir:"$outDir/design")
process plotProfile {
publishDir "$outDir/experimentQC", mode: 'copy'
file bigWigList from bigwigs.collect()
file '*.{png,gz}' into plotProfile
module load deeptools/
bash $baseDir/scripts/ -g $gtfFile
// Calculate Consensus Peaks
process consensusPeaks {
......@@ -497,7 +576,7 @@ process peakAnnotation {
module load R/3.3.2-gccmkl
Rscript $baseDir/scripts/annotate_peaks.R $designAnnotatePeaks $genome
Rscript $baseDir/scripts/annotate_peaks.R $designAnnotatePeaks $gtfFile $geneNames
......@@ -524,7 +603,9 @@ process motifSearch {
module load R/3.3.2-gccmkl
module load python/3.6.1-2-anaconda
module load meme/4.11.1-gcc-openmpi
module load bedtools/2.26.0
python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -d $designMotifSearch -g $fasta -p $topPeakCount
......@@ -559,15 +640,13 @@ process diffPeaks {
module load python/3.6.1-2-anaconda
module load meme/4.11.1-gcc-openmpi
module load bedtools/2.26.0
module load R/3.3.2-gccmkl
Rscript $baseDir/scripts/diff_peaks.R $designDiffPeaks
// Generate Multiqc Report, gerernate Software Versions and references
process multiqcReport {
publishDir "$outDir/${task.process}", mode: 'copy'
......@@ -600,11 +679,12 @@ process multiqcReport {
module load python/3.6.1-2-anaconda
module load pandoc/2.7
module load multiqc/1.7
module load singularity/3.0.2
echo $workflow.nextflow.version > version_nextflow.txt
multiqc --version > version_multiqc.txt
singularity exec /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/singularity_images/bicf-multiqc-2.0.0.img multiqc --version > version_multiqc.txt
python --version &> version_python.txt
python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -r $references -o software_references
python3 $baseDir/scripts/ -o software_versions
multiqc -c $multiqc .
singularity exec /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/singularity_images/bicf-multiqc-2.0.0.img multiqc -c $multiqc .
......@@ -4,11 +4,28 @@ profiles {
trace {
enabled = true
file = 'pipeline_trace.txt'
fields = 'task_id,native_id,process,name,status,exit,submit,start,complete,duration,realtime,%cpu,%mem,rss'
timeline {
enabled = true
file = 'timeline.html'
report {
enabled = true
file = 'report.html'
manifest {
name = 'chipseq_analysis'
description = 'BICF ChIP-seq Analysis Workflow.'
homePage = ''
version = '1.0.0'
homePage = ''
version = '1.1.2'
mainScript = ''
nextflowVersion = '>=0.31.0'
# Load libraries
# Currently mouse or human
#* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#* Licensed under MIT (
#* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#Currently Human or Mouse
# Load libraries
# Create parser object
args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
# Check input args
if (length(args) != 2) {
stop("Usage: annotate_peaks.R annotate_design.tsv genome_assembly", call.=FALSE)
if (length(args) != 3) {
stop("Usage: annotate_peaks.R annotate_design.tsv gtf geneNames", call.=FALSE)
design_file <- args[1]
genome_assembly <- args[2]
gtf <- args[2]
geneNames <- args[3]
# Load UCSC Known Genes
if(genome_assembly=='GRCh37') {
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
annodb <- ''
} else if(genome_assembly=='GRCm38') {
txdb <- TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
annodb <- ''
} else if(genome_assembly=='GRCh38') {
txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
annodb <- ''
txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gtf)
sym <- read.table(geneNames, header=T, sep='\t') [,4:5]
# Output version of ChIPseeker
chipseeker_version = packageVersion('ChIPseeker')
......@@ -48,18 +41,19 @@ names(files) <- design$Condition
# Granges of files
peaks <- lapply(files, readPeakFile, as = "GRanges", header = FALSE)
peakAnnoList <- lapply(peaks, annotatePeak, TxDb=txdb, annoDb=annodb, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), verbose=FALSE)
peakAnnoList <- lapply(peaks, annotatePeak, TxDb=txdb, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), verbose=FALSE)
column_names <- c("chr", "start", "end", "width", "strand_1", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue",
column_names <- c("geneId","chr", "start", "end", "width", "strand_1", "name", "score", "strand", "signalValue",
"pValue", "qValue", "peak", "annotation", "geneChr", "geneStart", "geneEnd",
"geneLength" ,"geneStrand", "geneId", "transcriptId", "distanceToTSS",
"ENSEMBL", "symbol", "geneName")
"geneLength" ,"geneStrand", "transcriptId", "distanceToTSS", "symbol")
for(index in c(1:length(peakAnnoList))) {
filename <- paste(names(peaks)[index], ".chipseeker_annotation.tsv", sep="")
df <-[[index]])
colnames(df) <- column_names
write.table(df[ , !(names(df) %in% c('strand_1'))], filename, sep="\t" ,quote=F, row.names=F)
df$geneId <- sapply(strsplit(as.character(df$geneId), split = "\\."), "[[", 1)
df_final <- merge(df, sym, by.x="geneId", by.y="ensembl", all.x=T)
colnames(df_final) <- column_names
write.table(df_final[ , !(names(df_final) %in% c('strand_1'))], filename, sep="\t" ,quote=F, row.names=F)
# Draw individual plots
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Generate peaks from data.'''
import os
......@@ -132,8 +138,20 @@ def call_peaks_macs(experiment, xcor, control, prefix, genome_size, chrom_sizes)
with open(xcor, 'r') as xcor_fh:
firstline = xcor_fh.readline()
frag_lengths = firstline.split()[2] # third column
fragment_length = frag_lengths.split(',')[0] # grab first value"Fraglen %s", fragment_length)
frag_lengths_array = frag_lengths.split(',')
fragment_length = 0
fragment = False
# Loop through all values of fragment length
for f in frag_lengths.split(','):
fragment_length = f"Fraglen %s", fragment_length)
if int(fragment_length) > 50:
fragment = True
if fragment == False:'Error in cross-correlation analysis: %s', frag_lengths_array)
raise Exception("Error in cross-correlation analysis: %s" % frag_lengths_array)
# Generate narrow peaks and preliminary signal tracks
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Check if design file is correctly formatted and matches files list.'''
import argparse
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Convert tagAlign files for further processing.'''
import os
#* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#* Licensed under MIT (
#* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load libraries
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Generate experiment design files for downstream processing.'''
import argparse
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Experiment correlation and enrichment of reads over genome-wide bins.'''
#!/usr/bin/env python
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Make header for HTML of references.'''
import argparse
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Make YAML of software versions.'''
from __future__ import print_function
......@@ -40,6 +46,7 @@ SOFTWARE_REGEX = {
'MEME-ChIP': ['motifSearch_vf/version_memechip.txt', r"Version (\S+)"],
'DiffBind': ['diffPeaks_vf/version_DiffBind.txt', r"Version (\S+)\""],
'deepTools': ['experimentQC_vf/version_deeptools.txt', r"deeptools (\S+)"],
'Python': ['version_python.txt', r"Python (\S+)"],
'MultiQC': ['version_multiqc.txt', r"multiqc, version (\S+)"],
......@@ -102,6 +109,7 @@ def main():
results['DiffBind'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">Not Run</span>'
results['deepTools'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">Not Run</span>'
results['MultiQC'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">Not Run</span>'
results['Python'] = '<span style="color:#999999;\">Not Run</span>'
# list all files
files = glob.glob('**/*.txt', recursive=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# * Licensed under MIT (
# * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
'''Remove duplicates and filter unmapped reads.'''
import os