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  • BICF/Astrocyte/chipseq_analysis
  • s190984/chipseq_analysis
  • astrocyte/workflows/bicf/chipseq_analysis
  • s219741/chipseq-analysis-containerized
Show changes
with 274 additions and 126 deletions
bws=$(ls *.bw)
gtf=$(ls *.gtf *.bed)
computeMatrix reference-point \
--referencePoint TSS \
-S $bws \
-R $gtf \
--skipZeros \
-o computeMatrix.gz
plotProfile -m computeMatrix.gz \
-out plotProfile.png \
#Help function
usage() {
echo "-h --Help documentation for $script_name"
echo "-g --File path to gtf/bed files"
echo "Example: $script_name -g 'genome.gtf'"
exit 1
echo "${1}" >&2
check_tools() {
raise "
Checking for required libraries and components on this system
deeptools --version &> version_deeptools.txt
if [ $? -gt 0 ]
raise "Missing deeptools"
return 1
compute_matrix() {
raise "
Computing matrix on ${1} using ${2}
computeMatrix reference-point \
--referencePoint TSS \
-S ${1} \
-R ${2} \
--skipZeros \
-o computeMatrix.gz \
-p max/2
if [ $? -gt 0 ]
raise "Problem building matrix"
return 1
plot_profile() {
raise "
Plotting profile
plotProfile -m computeMatrix.gz \
-out plotProfile.png
if [ $? -gt 0 ]
raise "Problem plotting"
return 1
run_main() {
# Parsing options
while getopts :g:h opt
case $opt in
g) gtf=$OPTARG;;
h) usage;;
shift $(($OPTIND -1))
# Check for mandatory options
if [[ -z $gtf ]]; then
bws=$(ls *
check_tools || exit 1
compute_matrix "${bws}" "${gtf}" || return 1
plot_profile || return 1
if [[ "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" == "${0}" ]]
run_main "$@"
if [ $? -gt 0 ]
exit 1
......@@ -204,84 +204,43 @@ def generate_design(paired, cutoff_ratio, design_df, cwd, no_reps, no_unique_con
pool_control_tmp = bedpe_to_tagalign(pool_control, "pool_control")
pool_control = pool_control_tmp
if not replicated:
# Duplicate rows and update for pool and psuedoreplicates and update tagAlign with single end data
experiment_id =[0, 'experiment_id']
replicate =[0, 'replicate']
design_new_df = design_df.loc[np.repeat(design_df.index, 4)].reset_index()
# Update tagAlign with single end data
if paired:
design_new_df['tag_align'] = design_new_df['se_tag_align']
design_new_df.drop(labels='se_tag_align', axis=1, inplace=True)
design_new_df['replicate'] = design_new_df['replicate'].astype(str)[1, 'sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pr1'[1, 'replicate'] = '1_pr'[1, 'xcor'] = 'Calculate'[2, 'sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pr2'[2, 'replicate'] = '2_pr'[2, 'xcor'] = 'Calculate'[3, 'sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pooled'[3, 'replicate'] = 'pooled'[3, 'xcor'] = 'Calculate'[3, 'tag_align'] =[0, 'tag_align']
# Make 2 self psuedoreplicates
self_pseudoreplicates_dict = {}
for rep, tag_file in zip(design_df['replicate'], design_df['tag_align']):
replicate_prefix = experiment_id + '_' + str(rep)
self_pseudoreplicates_dict = \
self_psuedoreplication(tag_file, replicate_prefix, paired)
# Update design to include new self pseudo replicates
for rep, pseudorep_file in self_pseudoreplicates_dict.items():
path_to_file = cwd + '/' + pseudorep_file
replicate = rep + 1
design_new_df.loc[replicate, 'tag_align'] = path_to_file
# Drop index column
design_new_df.drop(labels='index', axis=1, inplace=True)
# Duplicate rows and update for pool and psuedoreplicates and update tagAlign with single end data
experiment_id =[0, 'experiment_id']
replicate_files = design_df.tag_align.unique()
pool_experiment = pool(replicate_files, experiment_id + "_pooled", paired)
# Make 2 self psuedoreplicates
pseudoreplicates_dict = {}
for rep, tag_file in zip(design_df['replicate'], design_df['tag_align']):
replicate_prefix = experiment_id + '_' + str(rep)
pr_dict = self_psuedoreplication(tag_file, replicate_prefix, paired)
pseudoreplicates_dict[rep] = pr_dict
# Update design to include new self pseudo replicates
pseudoreplicates_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pseudoreplicates_dict)
pool_pseudoreplicates_dict = {}
for index, row in pseudoreplicates_df.iterrows():
replicate_id = index + 1
pr_filename = experiment_id + ".pr" + str(replicate_id) + '.tagAlign.gz'
pool_replicate = pool(row, pr_filename, False)
pool_pseudoreplicates_dict[replicate_id] = pool_replicate
design_new_df = design_df #.loc[np.repeat(design_df.index, 4)].reset_index()
# Update tagAlign with single end data
if paired:
design_new_df['tag_align'] = design_new_df['se_tag_align']
design_new_df.drop(labels='se_tag_align', axis=1, inplace=True)
# If paired change to single End
if paired:
pool_experiment_se = bedpe_to_tagalign(pool_experiment, experiment_id + "_pooled")
# Make pool of replicates
replicate_files = design_df.tag_align.unique()
experiment_id =[0, 'experiment_id']
pool_experiment = pool(replicate_files, experiment_id + "_pooled", paired)
# If paired change to single End
if paired:
pool_experiment_se = bedpe_to_tagalign(pool_experiment, experiment_id + "_pooled")
pool_experiment_se = pool_experiment
# Make self psuedoreplicates equivalent to number of replicates
pseudoreplicates_dict = {}
for rep, tag_file in zip(design_df['replicate'], design_df['tag_align']):
replicate_prefix = experiment_id + '_' + str(rep)
pr_dict = self_psuedoreplication(tag_file, replicate_prefix, paired)
pseudoreplicates_dict[rep] = pr_dict
# Merge self psuedoreplication for each true replicate
pseudoreplicates_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pseudoreplicates_dict)
pool_pseudoreplicates_dict = {}
for index, row in pseudoreplicates_df.iterrows():
replicate_id = index + 1
pr_filename = experiment_id + ".pr" + str(replicate_id) + '.tagAlign.gz'
pool_replicate = pool(row, pr_filename, False)
pool_pseudoreplicates_dict[replicate_id] = pool_replicate
design_new_df = design_df
# Update tagAlign with single end data
if paired:
design_new_df['tag_align'] = design_new_df['se_tag_align']
design_new_df.drop(labels='se_tag_align', axis=1, inplace=True)
# Check controls against cutoff_ratio
# if so replace with pool_control
# unless single control was used
pool_experiment_se = pool_experiment
# Check controls against cutoff_ratio
# if so replace with pool_control
# unless single control was used
if not single_control:
path_to_pool_control = cwd + '/' + pool_control
if control_df.values.max() > cutoff_ratio:
......@@ -309,28 +268,31 @@ def generate_design(paired, cutoff_ratio, design_df, cwd, no_reps, no_unique_con
path_to_pool_control = cwd + '/' + pool_control
if paired:
path_to_pool_control = cwd + '/' + pool_control
path_to_pool_control = pool_control
design_new_df['control_tag_align'] = path_to_pool_control
# Add in pseudo replicates
tmp_metadata = design_new_df.loc[0].copy()
tmp_metadata['control_tag_align'] = path_to_pool_control
for rep, pseudorep_file in pool_pseudoreplicates_dict.items():
tmp_metadata['sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pr' + str(rep)
tmp_metadata['replicate'] = str(rep) + '_pr'
tmp_metadata['xcor'] = 'Calculate'
path_to_file = cwd + '/' + pseudorep_file
tmp_metadata['tag_align'] = path_to_file
design_new_df = design_new_df.append(tmp_metadata)
# Add in pool experiment
tmp_metadata['sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pooled'
tmp_metadata['replicate'] = 'pooled'
# Add in pseudo replicates
tmp_metadata = design_new_df.loc[0].copy()
tmp_metadata['control_tag_align'] = path_to_pool_control
for rep, pseudorep_file in pool_pseudoreplicates_dict.items():
tmp_metadata['sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pr' + str(rep)
tmp_metadata['replicate'] = str(rep) + '_pr'
tmp_metadata['xcor'] = 'Calculate'
path_to_file = cwd + '/' + pool_experiment_se
path_to_file = cwd + '/' + pseudorep_file
tmp_metadata['tag_align'] = path_to_file
design_new_df = design_new_df.append(tmp_metadata)
# Add in pool experiment
tmp_metadata['sample_id'] = experiment_id + '_pooled'
tmp_metadata['replicate'] = 'pooled'
tmp_metadata['xcor'] = 'Calculate'
path_to_file = cwd + '/' + pool_experiment_se
tmp_metadata['tag_align'] = path_to_file
design_new_df = design_new_df.append(tmp_metadata)
return design_new_df
......@@ -348,7 +310,7 @@ def main():
design_df = pd.read_csv(design, sep='\t')
# Get current directory to build paths
cwd = os.getcwd()
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Check Number of replicates and replicates
no_reps = check_replicates(design_df)
......@@ -358,6 +320,7 @@ def main():
design_new_df = generate_design(paired, cutoff_ratio, design_df, cwd, no_reps, no_unique_controls)
# Write out new dataframe
experiment_id =[0, 'experiment_id']
design_new_df.to_csv(experiment_id + '_ppr.tsv',
header=True, sep='\t', index=False)
......@@ -103,14 +103,20 @@ def xcor(tag, paired):
uncompressed_tag_filename = tag_basename
# Subsample tagAlign file
number_reads = 15000000
number_reads = 20000000
subsampled_tag_filename = \
tag_basename + ".%d.tagAlign.gz" % (number_reads/1000000)
tag_extended = 'cat.tagAlign.gz'
out, err = utils.run_pipe([
"zcat %s %s %s" %
(tag, tag, tag)
], outfile=tag_extended)
steps = [
'zcat %s' % (tag),
'grep -v "chrM"',
'shuf -n %d --random-source=%s' % (number_reads, tag)]
'shuf -n %d --random-source=%s' % (number_reads, tag_extended)]
if paired:
steps.extend([r"""awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{$4="N";$5="1000";print $0}'"""])
#!/opt/bats/libexec/bats-core/ bats
@test "Test deeptools present" {
source ${profile_script}
run check_tools
@test "Test deeptools computeMatrix" {
source ${profile_script}
run compute_matrix test_data/ /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/mouse/GRCm38/gencode.vM20.annotation.gtf
if [[ -s "$FILE" ]]; then
echo "$FILE exists and not empty"
@test "Test deeptools plotProfile" {
source ${profile_script}
run plot_profile computeMatrix.gz
if [[ -s "$FILE" ]]; then
echo "$FILE exists and not empty"
......@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ def test_annotation_singleend():
annotation_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR238SGC.chipseeker_annotation.tsv'
assert os.path.exists(annotation_file)
assert utils.count_lines(annotation_file) >= 149284
df = pd.read_csv(annotation_file, sep = "\t", header = 0)
#assert df['symbol'].notna().all()
assert not(df['symbol'].isnull().values.any())
......@@ -41,4 +45,8 @@ def test_upsetplot_pairedend():
def test_annotation_pairedend():
annotation_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR729LGA.chipseeker_annotation.tsv'
assert os.path.exists(annotation_file)
assert utils.count_lines(annotation_file) >= 25494
assert utils.count_lines(annotation_file) >= 25367
df = pd.read_csv(annotation_file, sep = "\t", header = 0)
#assert df['symbol'].notna().all()
assert not(df['symbol'].isnull().values.any())
......@@ -3,10 +3,29 @@
import pytest
import os
import utils
from io import StringIO
import call_peaks_macs
test_output_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \
test_data_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \
def test_fragment_length():
experiment = "experiment.tagAlign.gz"
control = "control.tagAlign.gz"
prefix = 'test'
genome_size = 'hs'
chrom_sizes = 'genomefile.txt'
cross_qc = os.path.join(test_data_path, 'test_cross.qc')
with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
call_peaks_macs.call_peaks_macs(experiment, cross_qc, control, prefix, genome_size, chrom_sizes)
assert str(excinfo.value) == "Error in cross-correlation analysis: ['0', '20', '33']"
def test_fc_signal_singleend():
......@@ -26,7 +45,7 @@ def test_peaks_xls_singleend():
def test_peaks_bed_singleend():
peak_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR238SGC/1/' + 'ENCLB144FDT.narrowPeak'
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) == 227389
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) == 226738
......@@ -47,4 +66,4 @@ def test_peaks_xls_pairedend():
def test_peaks_bed_pairedend():
peak_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR729LGA/2/' + 'ENCLB568IYX.narrowPeak'
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) == 113821
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) == 112631
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ def test_diff_peaks_singleend_single_rep():
assert os.path.isdir(test_output_path) == False
def test_diff_peaks_pairedend_single_rep():
assert os.path.isdir(test_output_path) == False
......@@ -71,4 +71,4 @@ def test_diffbind_pairedend_single_rep():
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'ENCSR729LGA_vs_ENCSR757EMK_diffbind.bed'))
diffbind_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR729LGA_vs_ENCSR757EMK_diffbind.csv'
assert os.path.exists(diffbind_file)
assert utils.count_lines(diffbind_file) >= 66201
assert utils.count_lines(diffbind_file) >= 65124
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import pytest
import os
import utils
import yaml
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
test_output_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \
......@@ -21,3 +22,14 @@ def test_software_references_output():
data_loaded = yaml.load(stream)
assert len(data_loaded['data'].split('<ul>')) == 19
def test_software_references_html():
multiqc_report = os.path.join(test_output_path, 'multiqc_report.html')
html_file = open(multiqc_report, 'r')
source_code =
multiqc_html = BeautifulSoup(source_code, 'html.parser')
references = multiqc_html.find(id="mqc-module-section-Software_References")
assert references is not None
assert len(references.find_all('ul')) == 18
......@@ -20,4 +20,5 @@ def test_software_versions_output():
with open(software_versions, 'r') as stream:
data_loaded = yaml.load(stream)
assert len(data_loaded['data'].split('<dt>')) == 17
assert len(data_loaded['data'].split('<dt>')) == 18
assert 'Not Run' not in data_loaded['data'].split('<dt>')[17]
......@@ -44,4 +44,10 @@ def test_overlap_peaks_singleend():
def test_overlap_peaks_pairedend():
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'ENCSR729LGA.rejected.narrowPeak'))
peak_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR729LGA.replicated.narrowPeak'
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) >= 25758
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) >= 25657
def test_overlap_peaks_singlecontrol():
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'ENCSR000DXB.rejected.narrowPeak'))
peak_file = test_output_path + 'ENCSR000DXB.replicated.narrowPeak'
assert utils.count_lines(peak_file) >= 35097
......@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ test_output_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + \
def test_plot_singleend():
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'plotProfile.png'))
assert os.path.getsize(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'plotProfile.png')) > 0
def test_plot_pairedend():
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'computeMatrix.gz'))
assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'plotProfile.png'))
assert os.path.getsize(os.path.join(test_output_path, 'plotProfile.png')) > 0
......@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ def design_experiment_2(design_experiment):
def design_experiment_3(design_experiment):
# Update second control to be same as first
design_experiment.loc[1, 'control_tag_align'] = 'B_1.bedse.gz'
return design_experiment
# Drop Replicate A_2
design_df = design_experiment.drop(design_experiment.index[1])
# Update to be paired as first
design_df.loc[0, 'control_tag_align'] = 'B_1.bedpe.gz'
design_df.loc[0, 'tag_align'] = 'A_1.bedpe.gz'
return design_df
......@@ -71,6 +74,19 @@ def test_single_rep(design_experiment_2):
shutil.copy(test_design_path + 'B_1.tagAlign.gz', cwd)
single_rep = pool_and_psuedoreplicate.generate_design('false', 1.2, design_experiment_2, cwd, 1, 1)
assert single_rep.shape[0] == 4
assert len(single_rep['control_tag_align'].unique()) == 2
assert 'pool_control.tagAlign.gz' in single_rep['control_tag_align'].unique()[1]
def test_single_control(design_experiment_3):
cwd = os.getcwd()
shutil.copy(test_design_path + 'A_1.bedpe.gz', cwd)
shutil.copy(test_design_path + 'B_1.bedpe.gz', cwd)
shutil.copy(test_design_path + 'A_1.tagAlign.gz', cwd)
single_control = pool_and_psuedoreplicate.generate_design('true', 1.2, design_experiment_3, cwd, 1, 1)
assert 'pool_control.tagAlign.gz' in single_control['control_tag_align'].unique()[0]
def test_pool_and_psuedoreplicate_singleend():
......@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ def test_cross_plot_singleend():
def test_cross_qc_singleend():
qc_file = os.path.join(test_output_path,"ENCLB144FDT/")
df_xcor = pd.read_csv(qc_file, sep="\t", header=None)
assert df_xcor[2].iloc[0] == '190,200,210'
assert df_xcor[8].iloc[0] == 1.025906
assert round(df_xcor[9].iloc[0], 6) == 1.139671
assert df_xcor[2].iloc[0] == '185,195,205'
assert df_xcor[8].iloc[0] == 1.02454
assert df_xcor[9].iloc[0] == 0.8098014
......@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ def test_cross_qc_pairedend():
def test_cross_plot_pairedend():
qc_file = os.path.join(test_output_path,"ENCLB568IYX/")
df_xcor = pd.read_csv(qc_file, sep="\t", header=None)
assert df_xcor[2].iloc[0] == '220,430,475'
assert round(df_xcor[8].iloc[0],6) == 1.060018
assert df_xcor[9].iloc[0] == 4.099357
assert df_xcor[2].iloc[0] == '215,225,455'
assert round(df_xcor[8].iloc[0],6) == 1.056201
assert df_xcor[9].iloc[0] == 3.599357