From b03c7f3f0476cc586205d3ba07a6bcda3a70cc90 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brandi Cantarel <>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2017 17:22:30 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] adding somatic code

 variants/ |  22 +++++++
 variants/   | 134 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 variants/      |   2 +-
 3 files changed, 157 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100755 variants/
 create mode 100644 variants/

diff --git a/variants/ b/variants/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ba62bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+my $vcf = shift @ARGV;
+my $out = $vcf;
+$out =~ s/\.vcf/.gt.vcf/g;
+open VCF, "<$vcf" or die $!;
+open OUT, ">$out" or die $!;
+while (my $line = <VCF>) {
+    chomp($line);
+    $line =~ s/ID:/ID=/g;
+    if ($line =~ m/#CHROM/) {
+	print OUT join("\t",$line,'FORMAT','NORMAL','TUMOR'),"\n";
+    }elsif ($line =~ m/#/) {
+	print OUT $line,"\n";
+    }else {
+	my ($chrom, $pos,$id,$ref,$alt,$score,
+	    $filter,$annot) = split(/\t/, $line);
+	print OUT join("\t",$line,'GT','0/0','0/1'),"\n";
+    }
diff --git a/variants/ b/variants/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..929dea2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/variants/
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+  echo "-h --Help documentation for"
+  echo "-a --Somatic Workflow Method: strelka2, virmid, speedseq, mutect2, varscan, shimmer, lancet"
+  echo "-r  --Path to Reference Genome with the file genome.fa"
+  echo "-n --Normal"
+  echo "-t --Tumor"
+  echo "-x --NormalID"
+  echo "-y --TumorID"
+  echo "-i --NormalBAM used for Mantra in the case of UMI consensus"
+  echo "-j --TumorBAM used for Mantra in the case of UMI consensus"
+  echo "Example: bash -a strelka2 -y ORD1_N_panel1385 -y ORD1_T_panel138 -n -t"
+  exit 1
+while getopts :n:t:r:x:y:i:j:a:h opt
+    case $opt in 
+      r) index_path=$OPTARG;;
+      x) tid=$OPTARG;;
+      y) nid=$OPTARG;;
+      n) normal=$OPTARG;;
+      t) tumor=$OPTARG;;
+      i) mnormal=$OPTARG;;
+      j) mtumor=$OPTARG;;
+      a) algo=$OPTARG;;
+      h) usage;;
+    esac
+shift $(($OPTIND -1))
+#Check for mandatory options
+if [[ -z $normal ]] || [[ -z $tumor ]] || [[ -z $algo ]]; then
+    echo $normal $tumor $algo
+    usage
+if [[ -z $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE ]] 
+  then 
+if [[ -z $mtumor ]]
+    mtumor=tumor
+    mnormal=normal
+if [[ -a "${index_path}/genome.fa" ]]
+    reffa="${index_path}/genome.fa"
+    dict="${index_path}/genome.dict"
+    echo "Missing Fasta File: ${index_path}/genome.fa"
+    usage
+if [[ -a "${index_path}/dbSnp.vcf.gz" ]]
+    dbsnp="${index_path}/dbSnp.vcf.gz"
+    echo "Missing dbSNP File: ${index_path}/dbSnp.vcf.gz"
+    usage
+if [[ -a "${index_path}/cosmic.vcf.gz" ]]
+    cosmic=${index_path}/cosmic.vcf.gz
+    echo "Missing InDel File: ${index_path}/cosmic.vcf.gz"
+    usage
+baseDir="`dirname \"$0\"`"
+if [ $algo == 'strelka2' ]
+  then
+    module load strelka/2.8.3 manta/1.2.0 snpeff/4.3q vcftools/0.1.14
+    mkdir manta strelka
+ --normalBam ${normal} --tumorBam ${tumor} --referenceFasta ${reffa} --runDir manta
+    manta/ -m local -j 8
+ --normalBam ${mnormal} --tumorBam ${mtumor} --referenceFasta ${reffa} --targeted --indelCandidates manta/results/variants/candidateSmallIndels.vcf.gz --runDir strelka
+    strelka/ -m local -j 8
+    vcf-concat strelka/results/variants/*.vcf.gz | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type -n |vcf-sort |java -jar $SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter "((FILTER = 'PASS') & (GEN[*].DP >= 10))" | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bgzip > ${pair_id}.strelka.vcf.gz
+if [ $algo == 'virmid' ]
+  then 
+    module load snpeff/4.3q virmid/1.2 vcftools/0.1.14
+    virmid -R ${reffa} -D ${tumor} -N ${normal} -s ${cosmic} -t $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE -M 2000 -c1 10 -c2 10
+    perl $baseDir/ ${tumor}.virmid.som.passed.vcf
+    perl $baseDir/ ${tumor}.virmid.loh.passed.vcf
+    vcf-concat *gt.vcf | vcf-sort | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type -n | java -jar $SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter '((NDP >= 10) & (DDP >= 10))' | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' | bgzip > ${pair_id}.virmid.vcf.gz
+if [ $algo == 'speedseq' ]
+  then 
+    module load snpeff/4.3q speedseq/20160506 vcftools/0.1.14
+    speedseq somatic -q 10 -t $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE -o sssom ${reffa} ${normal} ${tumor}
+    vcf-annotate -H -n --fill-type sssom.vcf.gz | java -jar $SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter '((QUAL >= 10) & (GEN[*].DP >= 10))' | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bgzip > ${pair_id}.sssom.vcf.gz
+if [ $algo == 'mutect2' ]
+  module load parallel gatk/3.7 snpeff/4.3q vcftools/0.1.14
+  cut -f 1 ${index_path}/genomefile.5M.txt | parallel --delay 2 -j 10 "java -Xmx20g -jar \$GATK_JAR -R ${reffa} -D ${dbsnp} -T MuTect2 -stand_call_conf 30 -stand_emit_conf 10.0 -A FisherStrand -A QualByDepth -A VariantType -A DepthPerAlleleBySample -A HaplotypeScore -A AlleleBalance -I:tumor ${tumor} -I:normal ${normal} --cosmic ${cosmic} -o ${tid}.{}.mutect.vcf -L {}"
+  vcf-concat ${tid}*.vcf | vcf-sort | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type | java -jar \$SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter -p '((FS <= 60) & GEN[*].DP >= 10)' | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bgzip > ${pair_id}.pmutect.vcf.gz
+if [ $algo == 'varscan' ]
+  module load snpeff/4.3q samtools/1.6 VarScan/2.4.2 speedseq/20160506 vcftools/0.1.14
+  sambamba mpileup -t $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE ${tumor} --samtools "-C 50 -f ${reffa}"  > t.mpileup
+  sambamba mpileup -t $SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE ${normal} --samtools "-C 50 -f ${reffa}"  > n.mpileup
+  VarScan somatic n.mpileup t.mpileup vscan --output-vcf 1
+  VarScan copynumber n.mpileup t.mpileup vscancnv 
+  vcf-concat vscan*.vcf | vcf-sort | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type -n | java -jar $SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter '((exists SOMATIC) & (GEN[*].DP >= 10))' | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' | bgzip > ${tid}_${nid}.varscan.vcf.gz
+if [ $algo == 'shimmer' ]
+    module load snpeff/4.3q shimmer/0.1.1 vcftools/0.1.14
+ --minqual 25 --ref ${reffa} ${normal} ${tumor} --outdir shimmer 2> shimmer.err
+    perl /project/PHG/PHG_Clinical/clinseq_workflows/scripts/
+    vcf-annotate -n --fill-type shimmer/somatic_diffs.readct.vcf | java -jar $SNPEFF_HOME/SnpSift.jar filter '(GEN[*].DP >= 10)' | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' | bgzip > ${pair_id}.shimmer.vcf.gz
+if [ $algo == 'lancet' ]
+    module load snpeff/4.3q lancet vcftools/0.1.14
+    lancet --tumor ${tumor} --normal ${normal} --ref $reffa --bed $target_panel --num-threads 16 > out.vcf
+    vcf-concat out.vcf | vcf-sort | vcf-annotate -n --fill-type -n | perl -pe 's/TUMOR/${tid}/' | perl -pe 's/NORMAL/${nid}/g' |bedtools intersect -header -a stdin -b $target_panel |bgzip > ${tid}_${nid}.lancet.vcf.gz
diff --git a/variants/ b/variants/
index 29972af..35a1b39 100644
--- a/variants/
+++ b/variants/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ while (my $line = <IN>) {
   next unless ($impact && $impact =~ m/HIGH|MODERATE/);
   next unless ($gene);
   next if ($done{$chrom}{$pos});
-  $done{$chrom}{$pos} = 1
+  $done{$chrom}{$pos} = 1;
   @deschead = split(":",$format);
  F1:foreach $sample (@subjacc) {
      my $allele_info = shift @gts;