#!/usr/bin/env nextflow // ######## #### ###### ######## // ## ## ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## ## // ######## ## ## ###### // ## ## ## ## ## // ## ## ## ## ## ## // ######## #### ###### ## // Define input variables params.deriva = "${baseDir}/../test_data/auth/credential.json" params.bdbag = "${baseDir}/../test_data/auth/cookies.txt" //params.repRID = "16-1ZX4" params.repRID = "Q-Y5JA" params.refMoVersion = "38.p6.vM22" params.refHuVersion = "38.p12.v31" params.outDir = "${baseDir}/../output" // Parse input variables deriva = Channel .fromPath(params.deriva) .ifEmpty { exit 1, "deriva credential file not found: ${params.deriva}" } bdbag = Channel .fromPath(params.bdbag) .ifEmpty { exit 1, "deriva cookie file for bdbag not found: ${params.bdbag}" } repRID = params.repRID refMoVersion = params.refMoVersion refHuVersion = params.refHuVersion outDir = params.outDir logsDir = "${outDir}/Logs" // Define fixed files derivaConfig = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/conf/replicate_export_config.json") //referenceBase = "s3://bicf-references" referenceBase = "/project/BICF/BICF_Core/shared/gudmap/references" // Define script files script_bdbagFetch = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/scripts/bdbagFetch.sh") script_parseMeta = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/scripts/parseMeta.py") script_calculateTPM = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/scripts/calculateTPM.R") script_inferMeta = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/scripts/inferMeta.sh") /* * splitData: split bdbag files by replicate so fetch can occure in parallel, and rename files to replicate rid */ process getBag { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: "copy", pattern: "*.getBag.err" input: path credential, stageAs: "credential.json" from deriva path derivaConfig output: path ("Replicate_*.zip") into bagit path ("${repRID}.getBag.err") script: """ hostname >>${repRID}.getBag.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.getBag.err export https_proxy=\${http_proxy} # link credential file for authentication ln -sf `readlink -e credential.json` ~/.deriva/credential.json 2>>${repRID}.getBag.err echo "LOG: deriva credentials linked" >>${repRID}.getBag.err # deriva-download replicate RID deriva-download-cli dev.gudmap.org --catalog 2 ${derivaConfig} . rid=${repRID} 2>>${repRID}.getBag.err """ } /* * getData: fetch study files from consortium with downloaded bdbag.zip */ process getData { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: "copy", pattern: "*.getData.err" input: path script_bdbagFetch path cookies, stageAs: "deriva-cookies.txt" from bdbag path bagit output: path ("*.R{1,2}.fastq.gz") into fastqs path ("**/File.csv") into fileMeta path ("**/Experiment Settings.csv") into experimentSettingsMeta path ("**/Experiment.csv") into experimentMeta path ("${repRID}.getData.err") script: """ hostname >>${repRID}.getData.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.getData.err export https_proxy=\${http_proxy} # link deriva cookie for authentication ln -sf `readlink -e deriva-cookies.txt` ~/.bdbag/deriva-cookies.txt >>${repRID}.getData.err echo "LOG: deriva cookie linked" >>${repRID}.getData.err # get bagit basename replicate=\$(basename "${bagit}" | cut -d "." -f1) echo "LOG: \${replicate}" >>${repRID}.getData.err # unzip bagit unzip ${bagit} 2>>${repRID}.getData.err echo "LOG: replicate bdbag unzipped" >>${repRID}.getData.err # bagit fetch fastq"s only and rename by repRID sh ${script_bdbagFetch} \${replicate} ${repRID} 2>>${repRID}.getData.err echo "LOG: replicate bdbag fetched" >>${repRID}.getData.err """ } // Replicate raw fastqs for multiple process inputs fastqs.into { fastqs_trimData fastqs_fastqc } /* * parseMetadata: parses metadata to extract experiment parameters */ process parseMetadata { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: "copy", pattern: "*.parseMetadata.err" input: path script_parseMeta val repRID path fileMeta path experimentSettingsMeta path experimentMeta output: path "design.csv" into metadata script: """ hostname >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Check replicate RID metadata rep=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${fileMeta}" -p repRID) echo "LOG: replicate RID metadata parsed: \${rep}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Get endedness metadata endsMeta=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentSettingsMeta}" -p endsMeta) echo "LOG: endedness metadata parsed: \${endsMeta}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Manually get endness endsManual=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${fileMeta}" -p endsManual) echo "LOG: endedness manually detected: \${endsManual}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Get strandedness metadata stranded=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentSettingsMeta}" -p stranded -e \${endsManual}) echo "LOG: strandedness metadata parsed: \${stranded}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Get spike-in metadata spike=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentSettingsMeta}" -p spike) echo "LOG: spike-in metadata parsed: \${spike}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Get species metadata species=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentMeta}" -p species) echo "LOG: species metadata parsed: \${species}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err # Save design file echo "\${rep},\${endsMeta},\${endsManual},\${stranded},\${spike},\${species}" > design.csv """ } // Split metadata into separate channels rep = Channel.create() endsMeta = Channel.create() endsManual = Channel.create() stranded = Channel.create() spike = Channel.create() species = Channel.create() metadata.splitCsv(sep: ",", header: false).separate( rep, endsMeta, endsManual, stranded, spike, species ) // Replicate metadata for multiple process inputs endsManual.into { endsManual_trimData endsManual_alignData endsManual_featureCounts } stranded.into { stranded_alignData } spike.into{ spike_getRef } species.into { species_getRef } /* * getRef: Dowloads appropriate reference */ process getRef { tag "${species_getRef}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: "copy", pattern: "*.getRef.err" input: val spike_getRef val species_getRef output: path ("*") into reference script: """ hostname >>${repRID}.getRef.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.getRef.err export https_proxy=\${http_proxy} # run set the reference name if [ "${species_getRef}" == "Mus musculus" ] then references=\$(echo ${referenceBase}/GRCm${refMoVersion}) elif [ '${species_getRef}' == "Homo sapiens" ] then references=\$(echo ${referenceBase}/GRCh${refHuVersion}) else exit 1 fi if [ "${spike_getRef}" == "yes" ] then references=\$(echo \${reference}-S/) elif [ "${spike_getRef}" == "no" ] then reference=\$(echo \${references}/) fi # retreive appropriate reference appropriate location if [ ${referenceBase} == "s3://bicf-references" ] then aws s3 cp "\${references}" /hisat2 ./ --recursive >>${repRID}.getRef.err aws s3 cp "\${references}" /bed ./ --recursive >>${repRID}.getRef.err aws s3 cp "\${references}" /*.fna --recursive >>${repRID}.getRef.err aws s3 cp "\${references}" /*.gtf --recursive >>${repRID}.getRef.err elif [ ${referenceBase} == "/project/BICF/BICF_Core/shared/gudmap/references" ] then ln -s "\${references}"/hisat2 >>${repRID}.getRef.err ln -s "\${references}"/bed >>${repRID}.getRef.err ln -s "\${references}"/genome.fna >>${repRID}.getRef.err ln -s "\${references}"/genome.gtf >>${repRID}.getRef.err fi """ } // Replicate reference for multiple process inputs reference.into { reference_alignData reference_makeFeatureCounts reference_inferMeta } /* * trimData: trims any adapter or non-host sequences from the data */ process trimData { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: "copy", pattern: "*.trimData.*" input: val endsManual_trimData path (fastq) from fastqs_trimData output: path ("*.fq.gz") into fastqs_trimmed path ("*_trimming_report.txt") into trimQC path ("${repRID}.trimData.log") path ("${repRID}.trimData.err") script: """ hostname >>${repRID}.trimData.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.trimData.err # trim fastqs if [ "${endsManual_trimData}" == "se" ] then trim_galore --gzip -q 25 --illumina --length 35 --basename ${repRID} -j `nproc` ${fastq[0]} 1>>${repRID}.trimData.log 2>>${repRID}.trimData.err elif [ "${endsManual_trimData}" == "pe" ] then trim_galore --gzip -q 25 --illumina --length 35 --paired --basename ${repRID} -j `nproc` ${fastq[0]} ${fastq[1]} 1>>${repRID}.trimData.log 2>>${repRID}.trimData.err fi """ } /* * alignData: aligns the reads to a reference database */ process alignData { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: "copy", pattern: "*.align.{out,err}" input: val endsManual_alignData val stranded_alignData path fastq from fastqs_trimmed path reference_alignData output: tuple val ("${repRID}"), path ("${repRID}.sorted.bam"), path ("${repRID}.sorted.bam.bai") into rawBam path ("*.alignSummary.txt") into alignQC path ("${repRID}.align.out") path ("${repRID}.align.err") script: """ hostname >${repRID}.align.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.align.err # align reads if [ "${endsManual_alignData}" == "se" ] then hisat2 -p `nproc` --add-chrname --un-gz ${repRID}.unal.gz -S ${repRID}.sam -x hisat2/genome ${stranded_alignData} -U ${fastq[0]} --summary-file ${repRID}.alignSummary.txt --new-summary 1>${repRID}.align.out 2>${repRID}.align.err elif [ "${endsManual_alignData}" == "pe" ] then hisat2 -p `nproc` --add-chrname --un-gz ${repRID}.unal.gz -S ${repRID}.sam -x hisat2/genome ${stranded_alignData} --no-mixed --no-discordant -1 ${fastq[0]} -2 ${fastq[1]} --summary-file ${repRID}.alignSummary.txt --new-summary 1>${repRID}.align.out 2>${repRID}.align.err fi # convert sam to bam and sort and index samtools view -1 -@ `nproc` -F 4 -F 8 -F 256 -o ${repRID}.bam ${repRID}.sam 1>>${repRID}.align.out 2>>${repRID}.align.err; samtools sort -@ `nproc` -O BAM -o ${repRID}.sorted.bam ${repRID}.bam 1>>${repRID}.align.out 2>>${repRID}.align.err; samtools index -@ `nproc` -b ${repRID}.sorted.bam ${repRID}.sorted.bam.bai 1>>${repRID}.align.out 2>>${repRID}.align.err; """ } // Replicate rawBam for multiple process inputs rawBam.into { rawBam_dedupData } /* *dedupData: mark the duplicate reads, specifically focused on PCR or optical duplicates */ process dedupData { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${outDir}/bam", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.deduped.bam" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.dedup.{out,err}" input: set val (repRID), path (inBam), path (inBai) from rawBam_dedupData output: tuple val ("${repRID}"), path ("${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam"), path ("${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam.bai") into dedupBam path ("*.deduped.Metrics.txt") into dedupQC path ("${repRID}.dedup.out") path ("${repRID}.dedup.err") script: """ hostname >${repRID}.dedup.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.dedup.err # remove duplicated reads java -jar /picard/build/libs/picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=${inBam} O=${repRID}.deduped.bam M=${repRID}.deduped.Metrics.txt REMOVE_DUPLICATES=true 1>>${repRID}.dedup.out 2>> ${repRID}.dedup.err samtools sort -@ `nproc` -O BAM -o ${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam ${repRID}.deduped.bam 1>>${repRID}.dedup.out 2>> ${repRID}.dedup.err samtools index -@ `nproc` -b ${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam ${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam.bai 1>>${repRID}.dedup.out 2>> ${repRID}.dedup.err """ } // Replicate dedup bam/bai for multiple process inputs dedupBam.into { dedupBam_makeFeatureCounts dedupBam_makeBigWig dedupBam_inferMeta } /* *Make BigWig files for output */ process makeBigWig { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.makeBigWig.err" input: set val (repRID), path (inBam), path (inBai) from dedupBam_makeBigWig output: path ("${repRID}.bw") script: """ bamCoverage -p `nproc` -b ${inBam} -o ${repRID}.bw """ } /* *Run featureCounts and get the counts, tpm */ process makeFeatureCounts { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${outDir}/featureCounts", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${repRID}*.countTable.csv" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${repRID}.makeFetureCounts.{out,err}" input: path script_calculateTPM tuple val (repRID), path (bam), path (bai) from dedupBam_makeFeatureCounts path reference_makeFeatureCounts val endsManual_featureCounts output: path ("*.countTable.csv") into counts path ("*.featureCounts.summary") into countsQC script: """ if [ "${endsManual_featureCounts }" == "se" ] then featureCounts -R SAM -p -G ./genome.fna -T `nproc` -s 1 -a ./genome.gtf -o ${repRID}.featureCounts -g 'gene_name' ${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam; elif [ "${endsManual_featureCounts }" == "pe" ] then featureCounts -R SAM -p -G ./genmome.fna -T `nproc` -s 1 -p -a ./genome.gtf -o ${repRID}.featureCounts -g 'gene_name' ${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam; fi Rscript calculateTPM.R --count "${repRID}.featureCounts"; """ } /* *fastqc: run fastqc on untrimmed fastq's */ process fastqc { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${outDir}/fastqc", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*_fastqc.zip" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.fastq.err" input: path (fastq) from fastqs_fastqc output: path ("*_fastqc.zip") into fastqc script: """ hostname >${repRID}.fastqc.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.fastqc.err # run fastqc fastqc *.fastq.gz -o . >>${repRID}.fastqc.err """ } /* *inferMetadata: run RSeQC to collect stats and infer experimental metadata */ process inferMetadata { tag "${repRID}" publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "*.rseqc.err" input: path script_inferMeta path reference_inferMeta set val (repRID), path (inBam), path (inBai) from dedupBam_inferMeta output: path "infer.csv" into inferedMetadata path "${inBam.baseName}.tin.xls" into tin path "${repRID}.insertSize.inner_distance_freq.txt" optional true into innerDistance script: """ hostname >${repRID}.rseqc.err ulimit -a >>${repRID}.rseqc.err # infer experimental setting from dedup bam infer_experiment.py -r ./bed/genome.bed -i "${inBam}" >${repRID}.rseqc.log endness=`bash inferMeta.sh endness ${repRID}.rseqc.log` fail=`bash inferMeta.sh fail ${repRID}.rseqc.log` if [ \${endness} == "PairEnd" ] then percentF=`bash inferMeta.sh pef ${repRID}.rseqc.log` percentR=`bash inferMeta.sh per ${repRID}.rseqc.log` inner_distance.py -i "${inBam}" -o ${repRID}.insertSize -r ./bed/genome.bed elif [ \${endness} == "SingleEnd" ] then percentF=`bash inferMeta.sh sef ${repRID}.rseqc.log` percentR=`bash inferMeta.sh ser ${repRID}.rseqc.log` fi if [ \$percentF -gt 0.25 ] && [ \$percentR -lt 0.25 ] then stranded="forward" if [ \$endness == "PairEnd" ] then strategy="1++,1--,2+-,2-+" else strategy="++,--" fi elif [ \$percentR -gt 0.25 ] && [ \$percentF -lt 0.25 ] then stranded="reverse" if [ \$endness == "PairEnd" ] then strategy="1+-,1-+,2++,2--" else strategy="+-,-+" fi else stranded="unstranded" strategy="us" fi # calcualte TIN values per feature tin.py -i "${inBam}" -r ./bed/genome.bed # write infered metadata to file echo \${endness},\${stranded},\${strategy},\${percentF},\${percentR},\${fail} > infer.csv """ }