diff --git a/workflow/rna-seq.nf b/workflow/rna-seq.nf
index 378c8f2429e274426b97073417e8715f912b5f62..16aca0e076a28ff696f8f2a2ae5f3fa1d876ef66 100755
--- a/workflow/rna-seq.nf
+++ b/workflow/rna-seq.nf
@@ -404,25 +404,3 @@ process makeBigWig {
- *Run featureCounts and get the counts, tpm, and fpkm
-process makeFeatureCounts {
-  tag "${repRID}"
-  publishDir "${outDir}/featureCounts", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${repRID}*.featureCounts*"
-  publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${repRID}.makeFetureCounts.{out,err}"
-  input:
-    path script_calculateTPM
-    tuple val (repRID1), path (bam), path (bai) from featureCountsIn
-    tuple val (repRID2), path (genome), path (gtf) from featureCountsRef
-  output:
-    tuple val ("${repRID}"), path ("${repRID}.featureCounts.summary"), path ("${repRID}.featureCounts"), path ("${bam}.featureCounts.sam") into featureCountsOut
-  script:
-    """
-    featureCounts -R SAM -p -G ${genome} -T `nproc` -a ${gtf} -o ${repRID}.featureCounts ${repRID}.sorted.deduped.bam
-    Rscript calculateTPM.R --count "${repRID}.featureCounts"
-    """