diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index f35caee3a7ce07870b96d60475903727a785d2f6..cd792d6d1065cdaef00a8785cbb78a30f48409cc 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -26,6 +26,15 @@ getData:
   - singularity run 'docker://bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3' sh ./workflow/scripts/bdbagFetch.sh Replicate_16-1ZX4 16-1ZX4
   - pytest -m getData
+  stage: unit
+  script:
+  - singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:1.3' python3 ./workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p repRID
+  - singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:1.3' python3 ./workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p ends
+  - singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:1.3' python3 ./workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p endsManual
+  - singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:1.3' python3 ./workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p stranded
+  - singularity run 'docker://bicf/python3:1.3' python3 ./workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py -r Replicate_RID -m "./test_data/meta/metaTest.csv" -p specie
   stage: unit
diff --git a/workflow/conf/aws_ondemand.config b/workflow/conf/aws_ondemand.config
index 1a14ebf3dc44d33198c8472a231796f980e312da..84fcb275e131e30ea4a21ad829d67c368dca1811 100755
--- a/workflow/conf/aws_ondemand.config
+++ b/workflow/conf/aws_ondemand.config
@@ -13,14 +13,7 @@ process {
   cpus = 1
   memory = '1 GB'
-  withName:getBag {
-    container = 'bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
-  }
-  withName:getData {
-    container = 'bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
-  }
   withName:trimData {
-    container = 'bicf/trimgalore:1.1'
     cpus = 15
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/workflow/conf/aws_spot.config b/workflow/conf/aws_spot.config
index b5239a2388616beb2936e41020e5c387f87118a6..fbccb3cba394d2a1a7751bee7206483c869eac23 100755
--- a/workflow/conf/aws_spot.config
+++ b/workflow/conf/aws_spot.config
@@ -13,14 +13,7 @@ process {
   cpus = 1
   memory = '1 GB'
-  withName:getBag {
-    container = 'bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
-  }
-  withName:getData {
-    container = 'bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
-  }
   withName:trimData {
-    container = 'bicf/trimgalore:1.1'
     cpus = 15
diff --git a/workflow/conf/biohpc.config b/workflow/conf/biohpc.config
index 20da91a7f7a241e610708d7186d299d397958c41..36d5b332611f5d234a692b545819ad44db8c381e 100755
--- a/workflow/conf/biohpc.config
+++ b/workflow/conf/biohpc.config
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@ process {
   withName:getBag {
     executor = 'local'
-    container = 'docker://bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
   withName:getData {
     executor = 'local'
-    container = 'docker://bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
   withName:trimData {
-    container = 'docker://bicf/trimgalore:1.1'
     queue = '256GB,256GBv1,384GB'
+  withName:parseMetadata {
+    executor = 'local'
+  }
 singularity {
diff --git a/workflow/nextflow.config b/workflow/nextflow.config
index 37584999cf8152c9776b676d0b013f8aeb5e8709..7782046e10ab0c49d186141867e5964e87ea52cb 100644
--- a/workflow/nextflow.config
+++ b/workflow/nextflow.config
@@ -10,6 +10,21 @@ profiles {
+process {
+  withName:getBag {
+    container = 'bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
+  }
+  withName:getData {
+    container = 'bicf/gudmaprbkfilexfer:1.3'
+  }
+  withName:trimData {
+    container = 'bicf/trimgalore:1.1'
+  }
+  withName:parseMetadata {
+    container = 'bicf/python3:1.3'
+  }
 trace {
   enabled = true
   file = 'pipeline_trace.txt'
diff --git a/workflow/rna-seq.nf b/workflow/rna-seq.nf
index 68a65161a2dd082fad1e164b1b871ff35da17acf..5a8b614af62d339d32fa6b0bd92f8f00df77d673 100755
--- a/workflow/rna-seq.nf
+++ b/workflow/rna-seq.nf
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env nextflow
 // Define input variables
-params.deriva = "${baseDir}/../test_data/credential.json"
-params.bdbag = "${baseDir}/../test_data/cookies.txt"
+params.deriva = "${baseDir}/../test_data/auth/credential.json"
+params.bdbag = "${baseDir}/../test_data/auth/cookies.txt"
 //params.repRID = "16-1ZX4"
 params.repRID = "Q-Y5JA"
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ derivaConfig = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/conf/replicate_export_config.json")
 // Define script files
 script_bdbagFetch = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/scripts/bdbagFetch.sh")
+script_parseMeta = Channel.fromPath("${baseDir}/scripts/parseMeta.py")
  * getData: get bagit file from consortium
@@ -75,7 +76,6 @@ process getData {
     file("**/Experiment.csv") into experimentMeta
     file ("${repRID}.getData.err")
     hostname >>${repRID}.getData.err
@@ -95,11 +95,67 @@ process getData {
     echo "LOG: replicate bdbag unzipped" >>${repRID}.getData.err
     # bagit fetch fastq's only and rename by repRID
-    sh bdbagFetch.sh \${replicate} ${repRID} 2>>${repRID}.getData.err
+    sh ${script_bdbagFetch} \${replicate} ${repRID} 2>>${repRID}.getData.err
     echo "LOG: replicate bdbag fetched" >>${repRID}.getData.err
+ * parseMetadata: parses metadata to extract experiment parameters
+process parseMetadata {
+  tag "${repRID}"
+  publishDir "${logsDir}", mode: 'copy', pattern: "${repRID}.parseMetadata.err"
+  input:
+    path script_parseMeta
+    val repRID
+    path fileMeta
+    path experimentSettingsMeta
+    path experimentMeta
+  output:
+    path 'design.csv' into metadata
+  script:
+    """
+    hostname >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    ulimit -a >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Check replicate RID metadata
+    rep=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${fileMeta}" -p repRID)
+    echo "LOG: replicate RID metadata parsed: \${rep}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Get endedness metadata
+    endsMeta=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentSettingsMeta}" -p endsMeta)
+    echo "LOG: endedness metadata parsed: \${endsMeta}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Manually get endness
+    endsManual=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${fileMeta}" -p endsManual)
+    echo "LOG: endedness manually detected: \${endsManual}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Get strandedness metadata
+    stranded=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentSettingsMeta}" -p stranded)
+    echo "LOG: strandedness metadata parsed: \${stranded}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Get spike-in metadata
+    spike=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentSettingsMeta}" -p spike)
+    echo "LOG: spike-in metadata parsed: \${spike}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Get species metadata
+    species=\$(python3 ${script_parseMeta} -r ${repRID} -m "${experimentMeta}" -p species)
+    echo "LOG: species metadata parsed: \${species}" >>${repRID}.parseMetadata.err
+    # Save design file
+    echo "\${rep},\${endsMeta},\${endsManual},\${stranded},\${spike},\${species}" > design.csv
+    """
+metadata.splitCsv(sep: ',', header: false).into {
+  metadata_trimData
+  metadata_qc
  * trimData: trims any adapter or non-host sequences from the data
@@ -109,10 +165,10 @@ process trimData {
     file(fastq) from fastqs
+    tuple val(rep), val(endsMeta), val(endsManual), val(stranded), val(spike), val(species) from metadata_trimData
     path ("*.fq.gz") into fastqs_trimmed
-    val ends
     file ("${repRID}.trimData.log")
     file ("${repRID}.trimData.err")
@@ -122,12 +178,10 @@ process trimData {
     ulimit -a >>${repRID}.trimData.err
     # trim fastqs
-    if [ '${fastq[1]}' == 'null' ]
+    if [ '${endsManual}' == 'se' ]
-      ends='se'
       trim_galore --gzip -q 25 --illumina --length 35 --basename ${repRID} -j `nproc` ${fastq[0]} 1>>${repRID}.trimData.log 2>>${repRID}.trimData.err;
-      ends='pe'
       trim_galore --gzip -q 25 --illumina --length 35 --paired --basename ${repRID} -j `nproc` ${fastq[0]} ${fastq[1]} 1>>${repRID}.trimData.log 2>>${repRID}.trimData.err;
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/modifyFetch.py b/workflow/scripts/modifyFetch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6accfbbaee5ac303253294f69f8f345c7ba1dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflow/scripts/modifyFetch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import re
+def get_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-f', '--files',help="The fetch file from bdgap.zip.",required=True)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def main():
+    args = get_args()
+    fetchFile = pd.read_csv(args.files+"/fetch.txt",sep="\t",header=None)
+    fileFile = pd.read_csv(args.files+"/data/File.csv",sep=",",header=0)
+    fileFile_filtered = fileFile[fileFile["File_Type"]=="FastQ"]
+    fetchFile_filtered = fetchFile[fetchFile[2].str[-9:]==".fastq.gz"]
+    fetchFile_filtered_renamed = fetchFile_filtered
+    for i in fileFile_filtered["File_Name"]:
+        fetchFile_filtered_renamed[2][fetchFile_filtered_renamed[2].str.contains(i,regex=False)] = fetchFile_filtered_renamed[2][fetchFile_filtered_renamed[2].str.contains(i,regex=False)].values[0].replace(re.sub("\.R.\.fastq\.gz","",i),fileFile_filtered["Replicate_RID"][fileFile_filtered["File_Name"]==i].values[0])
+    fetchFile_filtered_renamed.to_csv(args.files+"/fetch.txt",sep="\t",header=False,index=False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py b/workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43ca2392078171ec9a1f42f7f9a83d13d0f0383b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflow/scripts/parseMeta.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import warnings
+warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
+def get_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-r', '--repRID',help="The replicate RID.",required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-m', '--metaFile',help="The metadata file to extract.",required=True)
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--parameter',help="The parameter to extract.",required=True)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def main():
+    args = get_args()
+    metaFile = pd.read_csv(args.metaFile,sep=",",header=0)
+    # Check replicate RID metadata from 'File.csv'
+    if (args.parameter == "repRID"):
+        if (len(metaFile.Replicate_RID.unique()) > 1):
+            print("There are multiple replicate RID's in the metadata: " + " ".join(metaFile.Replicate_RID.unique()))
+            exit(1)
+        if not (metaFile.Replicate_RID.unique() == args.repRID):
+            print("Replicate RID in metadata does not match run parameters: " + metaFile.Replicate_RID.unique() + " vs " + args.repRID)
+            exit(1)
+        else:
+            rep=metaFile["Replicate_RID"].unique()[0]
+            print(rep)
+        if (len(metaFile[metaFile["File_Type"] == "FastQ"]) > 2):
+            print("There are more then 2 fastq's in the metadata: " + " ".join(metaFile[metaFile["File_Type"] == "FastQ"].RID))
+            exit(1)
+    # Get endedness metadata from 'Experiment Settings.csv'
+    if (args.parameter == "endsMeta"):
+        if (metaFile.Paired_End.unique() == "Single End"):
+            endsMeta = "se"
+        elif (metaFile.Paired_End.unique() == "Paired End"):
+            endsMeta = "pe"
+        else:
+            endsMeta = "uk"
+        print(endsMeta)
+    # Manually get endness count from 'File.csv'
+    if (args.parameter == "endsManual"):
+        if (len(metaFile[metaFile["File_Type"] == "FastQ"]) == 1):
+            endsManual = "se"
+        elif (len(metaFile[metaFile["File_Type"] == "FastQ"]) == 2):
+            endsManual = "pe"
+        print(endsManual)
+    # Get strandedness metadata from 'Experiment Settings.csv'
+    if (args.parameter == "stranded"):
+        if (metaFile.Has_Strand_Specific_Information.unique() == "yes"):
+            stranded = "stranded"
+        elif (metaFile.Has_Strand_Specific_Information.unique() == "no"):
+            stranded = "unstranded"
+        else:
+            print("Stranded metadata not match expected options: " + metaFile.Has_Strand_Specific_Information.unique())
+            exit(1)
+        print(stranded)
+    # Get spike-in metadata from 'Experiment Settings.csv'
+    if (args.parameter == "spike"):
+        if (metaFile.Used_Spike_Ins.unique() == "yes"):
+            spike = "yes"
+        elif (metaFile.Used_Spike_Ins.unique() == "no"):
+            spike = "no"
+        else:
+            print("Spike-ins metadata not match expected options: " + metaFile.Used_Spike_Ins.unique())
+            exit(1)
+        print(spike)
+    # Get species metadata from 'Experiment.csv'
+    if (args.parameter == "species"):
+        if (metaFile.Species.unique() == "Mus musculus"):
+            species = "Mus musculus"
+        elif (metaFile.Species.unique() == "Homo sapiens"):
+            species = "Homo sapiens"
+        else:
+            print("Species metadata not match expected options: " + metaFile.Species.unique())
+            exit(1)
+        print(species)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/splitFetch.py b/workflow/scripts/splitFetch.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63385c184ff7bd6ddb4cb047c81a693cf7a8ecfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/workflow/scripts/splitFetch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import pandas as pd
+import os
+def get_args():
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-f', '--files',help="The fetch file from bdgap.zip.",required=True)
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    return args
+def main():
+    args = get_args()
+    fetchFile = pd.read_csv(args.files+"/fetch.txt",sep="\t",header=None)
+    fileFile = pd.read_csv(args.files+"/data/File.csv",sep=",",header=0)
+    replicateRID = fileFile.Replicate_RID.unique()
+    fetchArray = {i:fileFile.URI[(fileFile.Replicate_RID == i) & (fileFile.File_Type == "FastQ")] for i in replicateRID}
+    for i in replicateRID:
+        if not os.path.exists(i):
+            os.mkdir("Replicate_"+i)
+        fetchFile[fetchFile[0].str.contains('|'.join(fetchArray[i]))].to_csv("Replicate_"+i+"/fetch.txt",sep="\t",header=False,index=False)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file