2016-03-04 ---------- Initial Version. 2016-05-17 ---------- Version 0.0.3 for astrocyte release. Tested on astrocyte live. 2021-08-04 ---------- Version 0.0.9 for testing of astrocyte 1.0.0 is released. In this version singularity was enabled to run the workflow. 2022-08-09 ---------- Test version 2.0.0 for testing of astrocyte 2.0.0 is released. This version provide an example on how to pull images from customized registry, e.g. git.biohpc.swmed.edu:5050 (See the `workflow_containers` section in `astrocyte_pkg.yml`), and how to call the image with relative path in the nextflow configure file (See the `process` section of `workflow/configs/biohpc.config`).