diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8157465e3cb8b758857989e70e6e461e414de743..a90209aefb30ed1a2316f2e77fae4b420a88fbb5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index b0f3669e3e16b02d07877a84703f4d7a7e23b6db..6d9feb5d7b5f562d08d298a82476af4611806621 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ astrocyte_check:    # Check for astrocyte validity
     - module load astrocyte/2.0.1
     - astrocyte_cli check .
-test-count-human:   # Run cellranger count on the human data
+test-count-multisample:   # Run cellranger count on both human and mouse data
   stage: test
   needs: []
@@ -31,24 +31,7 @@ test-count-human:   # Run cellranger count on the human data
     - >
       nextflow run workflow/main.nf
-      --reference=/data/ref_data/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A
+      --sample_sheet=/data/test_data/sample_sheet.csv
     - nextflow clean -f -keep-logs
-test-count-barnyard:   # Run cellranger count on the barnyard data
-  stage: test
-  needs: []
-  tags:
-    - vm
-  before_script:
-     - export PATH="/opt/nextflow:/opt/cellranger-7.1.0:$PATH"
-  script:
-    - >
-      nextflow run workflow/main.nf
-      --id=hgmm_100
-      --sample=hgmm_100
-      --fastq=/data/test_data/hgmm_100_fastqs
-      --reference=/data/ref_data/refdata-gex-GRCh38-and-mm10-2020-A
-      --noBam=true
-    - nextflow clean -f -keep-logs
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2183ad257e9e7d8c8d1b72bb2f8fc9571d5cb8d8..dc323062541c810a43f18ae93b78b8c8e95c4372 100755
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -15,24 +15,29 @@ file of aligned reads. These outputs can then be used for downstream analysis.
 ## Parameters
-- Sample: The name of the sample. This should match the sample 
-name of the fastq files.
 - Fastq: The fastq files for the sample. Regardless of the files that are
 selected, only those matching the sample name will be included.
-- Reference: Which reference genome to use. Current choices are 
-hg38 and mm10.
-- expectCells: How many cells are expected to be present. Leave at 
-the default (0) to automatically estimate. This may be manually set if
-the estimate is inaccurate.
-- Chemistry: The chemistry used to create the library. Automatic detection
-is recommended, but if the library chemistry is **3'v1** or **multiome GEX**, 
-you must set these manually.
-- Introns: Should intronic reads be counted? Recommended to 
-keep true. Note that this **must** be true to process data from single nucleus
-- noBam: Should the pipeline skip generating a bam file?
-Bam file generation is recommended, but it may be skipped to reduce file 
-size output and speed up processing time.
+- sample_sheet: This is a file with the following named columns:
+    - **sample**: The name of the sample. This must match the prefix of the associated fastq files.
+    - **reference**: Which reference genome to use. This workflow currently supports the values "hg38" or "mm10".
+    - **expectCells**: The number of cells expected from this sample. Set to "0" for auto-detection.
+    - **chemistry**: The chemistry used to generate libraries. Set to "auto" for auto-detection.
+      Note that if the chemistry is 3' v1 or you're analyzing GEX data alone generated from
+      multiome, you must set this explicitly. Possible values:
+        - "auto": auto detect
+        - "SC3Pv1": Single cell 3' v1
+        - "SC3Pv2": Single cell 3' v2
+        - "SC3Pv3": Single cell 3' v3
+        - "SC3Pv3LT": Single cell 3' v3 LT
+        - "SC3Pv3HT": Single cell 3' v3 HT
+        - "SC5P-PE": Single cell 5' paired-end
+        - "SC5P-R2": Single cell 5' R2-only
+        - "ARC-v1": GEX only from multiome
+    - introns (true/false): Whether to count intronic reads.
+    - noBam (true/false): Whether to skip bam file generation. This will save some time and space, but
+      bam files may be required for downstream analysis and/or deposition into public databases.
 ## Questions
diff --git a/astrocyte_pkg.yml b/astrocyte_pkg.yml
index d594f551a359533ea80e8195ae72840b6dc8c248..6fcc48ff7354f8075ef62e6f93d5aea89ade54c3 100755
--- a/astrocyte_pkg.yml
+++ b/astrocyte_pkg.yml
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ description: |
 #### New Features in Astrocyte 0.4.0 and above ####
 citation: |
-  Nextflow 22.04.5: https://www.nextflow.io/
+  Nextflow 23.04.3: https://www.nextflow.io/
   10x Genomics Cell Ranger 7.1.0: https://support.10xgenomics.com/single-cell-gene-expression/software/pipelines/latest/what-is-cell-ranger
   Please acknowledge support in publications:
   This research was supported in part by the computational resources provided
   by the BioHPC supercomputing facility located in the Lyda Hill Department of
@@ -104,11 +104,12 @@ workflow_modules:
-  - id: sample
-    type: string
+  - id: sample_sheet
+    type: file
     required: true
+    regex: ".*csv$"
     description: |
-      The name of the sample. This should match the prefix on the input fastq files.
+      A sample sheet in CSV format. See documentation below for required formatting.
   - id: fastq
     type: files
@@ -118,64 +119,11 @@ workflow_parameters:
       The fastq.gz files to be passed to cellranger count, typically generated
       by cellranger mkfastq or bcl2fastq.
-  - id: reference
-    type: select
-    required: true
-    default: "hg38"
-    description: |
-      Which reference genome to use to align the reads.
-    choices:
-      - [ "hg38", "Human reference GRCh38" ]
-      - [ "mm10", "Mouse refernece mm10" ]
-  - id: expectCells
-    type: integer
-    required: true
-    default: 0
-    min: 0
-    description: |
-      An estimate of how many cells you expect to be present. If 0,
-      cellranger will automatically estimate the number of cells present.
-  - id: chemistry
+  - id: astrocyte
     type: select
-    default: "auto"
-    required: true
-    description: |
-      The chemistry used when preparing the library. It's recommended to use the default
-      (auto detect) UNLESS the chemistry is 3' v1, analyzing GEX data alone generated from
-      multiome, or if the autodetection has failed.
-      - [ "auto", "Auto detect" ]
-      - [ "SC3Pv1", "Single cell 3' v1" ]
-      - [ "SC3Pv2", "Single cell 3' v2" ]
-      - [ "SC3Pv3", "Single cell 3' v3" ]
-      - [ "SC3Pv3LT", "Single cell 3' v3 LT" ]
-      - [ "SC3Pv3HT", "Single cell 3' v3 HT" ]
-      - [ "SC5P-PE", "Single cell 5' paired-end" ]
-      - [ "SC5P-R2", "Single cell 5' R2-only" ]
-      - [ "ARC-v1", "GEX only from multiome" ]
-  - id: introns
-    type: select
+      - [ 'true', 'true']
     required: true
-    default: "true"
+    default: 'true'
     description: |
-      Include intronic reads in the alignment? This is generally recommended to reduce
-      the number of reads discarded, and is required for single nucleus preps.
-    choices:
-      - [ "true", "Include introns" ]
-      - [ "false", "Exclude introns" ]
-  - id: noBam
-    type: select
-    required: true
-    default: "false"
-    description: |
-      Skip bam file generation? This will speed up the process and save space,
-      but is only recommended for test or comparison runs as bam files are
-      useful for troubleshooting and may be required when depositing data
-      in public repositories.
-    choices:
-      - [ "true", "Skip bam file generation"]
-      - [ "false", "Do not skip bam file generation"]
+      Provide proper configuration for use on Astrocyte.
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 35425463f61151552b4d7048834dc6f5dfd3651e..39461ed9b7cbe3a531e14ca0b63a03f8a3879960 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -9,24 +9,43 @@ workflow.
 To run this workflow, you must supply the following parameters:
-- Sample: The name of the sample. This should match the sample 
-name of the fastq files.
 - Fastq: The fastq files for the sample. Regardless of the files that are
-selected, only those matching the sample name will be included.
-- Reference: Which reference genome to use. Current choices are 
-hg38 and mm10.
-- expectCells: How many cells are expected to be present. Leave at 
-the default (0) to automatically estimate. This may be manually set if
-the estimate is inaccurate.
-- Chemistry: The chemistry used to create the library. Automatic detection
-is recommended, but if the library chemistry is **3'v1** or **multiome GEX**, 
-you must set these manually.
-- Introns: Should intronic reads be counted? Recommended to 
-keep true. Note that this **must** be true to process data from single nucleus
-- noBam: Should the pipeline skip generating a bam file?
-Bam file generation is recommended, but it may be skipped to reduce file 
-size output and speed up processing time.
+selected, only those with prefixes matching the sample name will be included.
+- sample_sheet: This is a file with the following named columns:
+    - **sample**: The name of the sample. This must match the prefix of the associated fastq files.
+    - **reference**: Which reference genome to use. This workflow currently supports the values "hg38" or "mm10".
+    - **expectCells**: The number of cells expected from this sample. Set to "0" for auto-detection.
+    - **chemistry**: The chemistry used to generate libraries. Set to "auto" for auto-detection.
+      Note that if the chemistry is 3' v1 or you're analyzing GEX data alone generated from
+      multiome, you must set this explicitly. Possible values:
+        - "auto": auto detect
+        - "SC3Pv1": Single cell 3' v1
+        - "SC3Pv2": Single cell 3' v2
+        - "SC3Pv3": Single cell 3' v3
+        - "SC3Pv3LT": Single cell 3' v3 LT
+        - "SC3Pv3HT": Single cell 3' v3 HT
+        - "SC5P-PE": Single cell 5' paired-end
+        - "SC5P-R2": Single cell 5' R2-only
+        - "ARC-v1": GEX only from multiome
+    - introns (true/false): Whether to count intronic reads.
+    - noBam (true/false): Whether to skip bam file generation. This will save some time and space, but
+      bam files may be required for downstream analysis and/or deposition into public databases.
+## Output
+This workflow will provide the following output:
+- analysis: a directory containing data regarding differential expression, clustering, etc. The files
+in this directory can be consumed by downstream analysis tools.
+- raw_feature_bc_matrix(.h5): the raw (all droplets included) counts matrix in MTX (or .h5) format.
+- filtered_feature_bc_matrix(.h5): the filtered (empty droplets removed) counts matrix in MTX (or .h5) format.
+- web_summary.html: an HTML report providing a summary of the run.
+- metrics_summary.csv: a summary of the metrics reported in web_summary.html.
+- molecule_info.h5: a file containing per-molecule information for all high-quality and assigned reads
+- cloupe.cloupe: a file that can be read by 10x Genomics Loupe Cell Browser for interactive visualization
+- possorted_genome_bam.bam(.bai): a bam/index file containing alignment. Not generated if `noBam` set to "true".
 ## Test data
diff --git a/test_data/sample_sheet.csv b/test_data/sample_sheet.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f88ade1d3b7fe0f8f08eef0c69c799ad5e20a6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_data/sample_sheet.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/workflow/configs/biohpc.config b/workflow/configs/biohpc.config
index 552c35df837b2d16b077e1feafb148a405de16fd..2fb9ebcfe0159c8519eb9bff1ba5a3f04177aa08 100755
--- a/workflow/configs/biohpc.config
+++ b/workflow/configs/biohpc.config
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 process {
     executor = 'slurm'
     clusterOptions = '--hold --no-kill'
-    queue = '256GB,256GBv1,128GB'
+    queue = '512GB,256GB,256GBv1,128GB'
     time = '8h'
diff --git a/workflow/main.nf b/workflow/main.nf
index 3ade364267fb268fe22d8d3f38a63ebe7dddbcf7..0144fd1c182f31377690dad678c6acdd77c8e7e5 100755
--- a/workflow/main.nf
+++ b/workflow/main.nf
@@ -1,149 +1,108 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2023. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- *
- *   This file is part of the BioHPC Workflow Platform
- *
- * This is a workflow package to run cellranger count on fastq files from single cell RNA data.
- *
- * @authors
- * John Lafin
- *
- */
-// Parameters for input values
-params.sample = "Brain_Tumor_3p_LT"
-params.fastq = "${projectDir}/../test_data/Brain_Tumor_3p_LT_fastqs"
-params.reference = "hg38"
-params.expectCells = 0
-params.chemistry = "auto"
-params.introns = true
-params.noBam = false
-params.outDir = "${projectDir}/output"
-// Run cellranger count
-process cr_count {
-    publishDir "${outDir}", mode: 'copy'
-    queue "256GB,256GBv1"
-    module 'cellranger/7.1.0'
-    module 'singularity/3.9.9'
-    input: 
-        val sample
-        path ref
-        path fastq
-        val expectCells
-        val chemistry
-        val introns
-        val noBam
-        path outDir
-    output:
-        tuple val(sample), path("**/outs/**")
-    script:
-        if( expectCells == 0 )
-            if( noBam )
-            """
-            cellranger count --id=$sample \
-                            --transcriptome=$ref \
-                            --fastqs=. \
-                            --sample=$sample \
-                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
-                            --include-introns=$introns \
-                            --no-bam 
-            """
-            else
-            """
-            cellranger count --id=$sample \
-                            --transcriptome=$ref \
-                            --fastqs=. \
-                            --sample=$sample \
-                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
-                            --include-introns=$introns
-            """
-        else if( expectCells > 0)
-            if( noBam )
-            """
-            cellranger count --id=$sample \
-                            --transcriptome=$ref \
-                            --fastqs=. \
-                            --sample=$sample \
-                            --expect-cells=$expectCells \
-                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
-                            --include-introns=$introns \
-                            --no-bam 
-            """
-            else
-            """
-            cellranger count --id=$sample \
-                            --transcriptome=$ref \
-                            --fastqs=. \
-                            --sample=$sample \
-                            --expect-cells=$expectCells \
-                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
-                            --include-introns=$introns
-            """
-// Download reference genome if missing
-process get_reference {
-    queue "super"
-    module 'singularity/3.9.9'
-    input:
-        val ref_name
-    output:
-        path ("refdata*", type: "dir")
-    script:
-        if( ref_name=="hg38" ) {
-            """
-            wget -q https://cf.10xgenomics.com/supp/cell-exp/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A.tar.gz
-            tar -zxf refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A.tar.gz
-            rm refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A.tar.gz
-            """
-        }
-        else if( ref_name=="mm10" ) {
-            """
-            wget -q https://cf.10xgenomics.com/supp/cell-exp/refdata-gex-mm10-2020-A.tar.gz
-            tar -zxf refdata-gex-mm10-2020-A.tar.gz
-            rm refdata-gex-mm10-2020-A.tar.gz
-            """
-        }
-workflow {
-    // Select reference genome
-    if (file(params.reference).exists()) {
-        ref = file(params.reference)
-    }
-    else if (params.reference == "hg38") {
-        ref = file("/project/apps_database/cellranger/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A")
-    }
-    else if (params.reference == "mm10") {
-        ref = file("/project/apps_database/cellranger/refdata-gex-mm10-2020-A")
-    }
-    else {
-        ref = file("missing_reference")
-    }
-    // Download reference if missing
-    if( ref.isEmpty() ) {
-        ref = get_reference(params.reference)
-    }
-    // Define channels from variables
-    sample = Channel.value(params.sample)
-    fastq = Channel.fromPath(params.fastq).collect()
-    expectCells = Channel.value(params.expectCells)
-    chemistry = Channel.value(params.chemistry)
-    introns = Channel.value(params.introns)
-    noBam = Channel.value(params.noBam)
-    outDir = Channel.value(params.outDir)
-    // Run cellranger count
-    cr_count(sample, ref, fastq, expectCells, chemistry, introns, noBam, outDir)
\ No newline at end of file
+ * Copyright (c) 2023. The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
+ *
+ *   This file is part of the BioHPC Workflow Platform
+ *
+ * This is a workflow package to run cellranger count on fastq files from single cell RNA data.
+ *
+ * @authors
+ * John Lafin
+ *
+ */
+// Parameters for input values
+params.sample_sheet = "${projectDir}/../test_data/sample_sheet.csv"
+params.fastq = "${projectDir}/../test_data/fastqs"
+params.outDir = "${projectDir}/output"
+params.astrocyte = true
+// Run cellranger count
+process cr_count {
+    publishDir "${outDir}", mode: 'copy'
+    module 'cellranger/7.1.0'
+    module 'singularity/3.9.9'
+    errorStrategy 'ignore'
+    input: 
+        tuple val(sample), val(ref), val(expectCells), val(chemistry), val(introns), val(noBam)
+        path(fastq)
+        path(outDir)
+    output:
+        tuple val(sample), path("${sample}/outs/**")
+    script:
+        // Check reference
+        if (params.astrocyte)  {
+            switch (ref) {
+                case "hg38":
+                    ref = file("/project/apps_database/cellranger/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A")
+                    break
+                case "mm10":
+                    ref = file("/project/apps_database/cellranger/refdata-gex-mm10-2020-A")
+                    break
+                default:
+                    ref = file(ref)
+            }
+        }
+        if ( ref.isEmpty() ) {
+            error "Error: Missing reference. Please provide one of the options outlined in the documentation."
+        }
+        // Run Cell Ranger count
+        if( expectCells == 0 )
+            if( noBam )
+            """
+            cellranger count --id=$sample \
+                            --transcriptome=$ref \
+                            --fastqs=. \
+                            --sample=$sample \
+                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
+                            --include-introns=$introns \
+                            --no-bam
+            """
+            else
+            """
+            cellranger count --id=$sample \
+                            --transcriptome=$ref \
+                            --fastqs=. \
+                            --sample=$sample \
+                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
+                            --include-introns=$introns
+            """
+        else if( expectCells > 0)
+            if( noBam )
+            """
+            cellranger count --id=$sample \
+                            --transcriptome=$ref \
+                            --fastqs=. \
+                            --sample=$sample \
+                            --expect-cells=$expectCells \
+                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
+                            --include-introns=$introns \
+                            --no-bam
+            """
+            else
+            """
+            cellranger count --id=$sample \
+                            --transcriptome=$ref \
+                            --fastqs=. \
+                            --sample=$sample \
+                            --expect-cells=$expectCells \
+                            --chemistry=$chemistry \
+                            --include-introns=$introns
+            """
+workflow {
+    // Parse sample sheet and run cellranger count
+    fastq = channel.fromPath(params.fastq).collect()
+    outDir = channel.value(params.outDir)
+    input = channel.fromPath(params.sample_sheet) \
+        | splitCsv(header: true) \
+        | map{ row -> tuple( row.sample, row.reference, row.expectCells, row.chemistry, row.introns, row.noBam ) }
+    cr_count(input, fastq, outDir)