# Custom Logo custom_logo: 'bicf_logo.png' custom_logo_url: 'https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/labs/bioinformatics/' custom_logo_title: 'Bioinformatics Core Facility' report_header_info: - Contact E-mail: 'bicf@utsouthwestern.edu' - Application Type: 'ChIP-seq' - Department: 'Bioinformatic Core Facility, Department of Bioinformatics' - Contributors and Licensing: 'See https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2648844' # Title to use for the report. title: BICF ChIP-seq Analysis Report report_comment: > This report has been generated by the <a href="https://git.biohpc.swmed.edu/BICF/Astrocyte/chipseq_analysis/" target="_blank">BICF/chipseq_analysis</a> pipeline. extra_fn_clean_exts: - 'pbc.qc' - 'cc.qc' fn_ignore_files: - '*dedup.flagstat.qc' custom_data: library_complexity: file_format: 'tsv' id: 'library_complexity' contents: 'TotalReadPairs DistinctReadPairs OneReadPair TwoReadPairs NRF PBC1 PBC2' section_name: 'Library complexity' plot_type: 'generalstats' pconfig: TotalReadPairs: decimalPlaces: 0 shared_key: read_count DistinctReadPairs: decimalPlaces: 0 shared_key: read_count NRF: decimalPlaces: 2 PBC1: decimalPlaces: 2 PBC2: decimalPlaces: 2 sp: phantompeakqualtools/out: fn: '*cc.qc' library_complexity: fn: '*pbc.qc' macs2: fn: '*_peaks.xls' report_section_order: cutadapt: order: -1000 Samtools: order: -1100 Software_Versions: order: -1200 Software_References: order: -1300 table_columns_placement: library_complexity: TotalReadPairs: 1100 DistinctReadPairs: 1200 NRF: 1300 PBC1: 1400 PBC2: 1500 phantompeakqualtools: Estimated_Fragment_Length_bp: 1600 NSC: 1700 RSC: 1800 table_columns_visible: cutadapt: percent_trimmed: False library_complexity: OneReadPair: False TwoReadPairs: False table_cond_formatting_rules: library_complexity_mqc-generalstats-library_complexity-NRF: pass: - gt: 0.8 warn: - lt: 0.8 fail: - lt: 0.5 library_complexity_mqc-generalstats-library_complexity-PBC1: pass: - gt: 0.8 warn: - lt: 0.8 fail: - lt: 0.5 library_complexity_mqc-generalstats-library_complexity-PBC2: pass: - gt: 3 warn: - lt: 3 fail: - lt: 1 thousandsSep_format: ''