#FROM ubuntu:20.04 FROM continuumio/miniconda3:24.3.0-0 WORKDIR /motif-search/ ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive TZ=Etc/UTC # Environment variables for the campus proxy. ENV http_proxy="http://proxy.swmed.edu:3128" \ https_proxy="http://proxy.swmed.edu:3128" COPY ./meme-5.5.4.tar.gz . # RUN wget https://meme-suite.org/meme/meme-software/5.5.4/meme-5.5.4.tar.gz RUN tar -zxf ./meme-5.5.4.tar.gz RUN rm meme-5.5.4.tar.gz COPY entrypoint.sh . RUN apt update \ && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \ wget \ build-essential \ ca-certificates \ curl \ imagemagick \ libexpat1-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt1-dev \ libgs-dev \ libgd-dev \ #libexslt1-dev \ python3 \ zlib1g-dev \ perl \ libxml-simple-perl \ libxml-libxml-perl \ libxml-parser-perl \ libhtml-template-compiled-perl \ libxml-opml-simplegen-perl \ libxml-libxml-debugging-perl \ && apt-get clean # Install meme-chip RUN cd meme-5.5.4 && \ ./configure --prefix=/motif-search/meme --with-url="http://meme-suite.org" --enable-build-libxml2 --enable-build-libxslt && \ make && \ # make test && \ make install && \ export PATH=/motif-search/meme/bin/:/motif-search/meme/libexec/meme-5.5.4:$PATH && \ meme -version && \ meme-chip --version && \ spamo --version && \ centrimo --version && \ # apt-get remove -y build-essential libxml2 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev && \ apt-get clean # Enable the use of bash-specific conda commands in the layer. RUN eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" && \ chmod +x entrypoint.sh && \ #conda create -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c defaults -n motifSearch python=2.7.12 pip=9.0.1 && \ conda create -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c defaults -n motifSearch python=3.6.1 && \ conda activate motifSearch && \ python --version && \ # Install pandas and numpy. pip install numpy==1.12.1 && \ pip install pandas==0.20.1 && \ # Install BEDTools 2.26 .0 conda install -y --solver=libmamba -c bioconda bedtools=2.26.0 && \ bedtools --version && \ conda clean -y --all && \ conda deactivate ENTRYPOINT ["/motif-search/entrypoint.sh"]