FROM continuumio/miniconda3:24.3.0-0 LABEL IMAGE="chipseq-analysis-motifSearch" \ IMAGE_VERSION="1.0.0" \ AUTHORS="Felix Perez,Peng Lian" \ EMAIL="" WORKDIR /motif-search/ # Environment variables for the campus proxy. ENV http_proxy="" \ https_proxy="" # Original module load order: # module load python/3.6.1-2-anaconda # module load meme/4.11.1-gcc-openmpi # module load bedtools/2.26.0 COPY . RUN eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" && \ conda create -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c defaults -n motifSearch python=2.7.12 pip=9.0.1 && \ echo "python ==2.7.12" >> /opt/conda/envs/motifSearch/conda-meta/pinned && \ conda activate motifSearch && \ # Install pandas and numpy. pip install numpy==1.12.1 && \ pip install pandas==0.20.1 && \ # Install MEME 4.11.1 conda install -y --solver=libmamba -c conda-forge -c bioconda meme=4.11.1 && \ meme -version && \ # Install BEDTools 2.26.0 conda install -y --solver=libmamba -c bioconda bedtools=2.26.0 && \ bedtools --version && \ # The stringi installation below solves a dependency issue encountered when DREME is used (meme-4.11.1) conda install -y --solver=libmamba -c conda-forge r-stringi=1.2.4 && \ conda deactivate RUN eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" && \ # Create a Python 3.6.1 conda environment and initialize its use. conda create -y -c bioconda -c defaults -c conda-forge -n py361 python=3.6.1 && \ echo "python ==3.6.1" >> /opt/conda/envs/py361/conda-meta/pinned && \ conda update conda -y && \ conda activate py361 && \ # Install the versions of numpy and pandas required for further software installs. pip install numpy==1.12.1 && \ pip install pandas==0.20.1 && \ conda deactivate && \ ln -s /opt/conda/envs/py361/bin/python3 /opt/conda/envs/motifSearch/bin/python3 RUN chmod +x ENTRYPOINT ["/motif-search/"]