diff --git a/workflow/main.nf b/workflow/main.nf
index 1507f0d92f03c6939868b2b91c4bca68bda8cb7a..762cdef93f32a8e8634fbe47be6f1b65cd044576 100644
--- a/workflow/main.nf
+++ b/workflow/main.nf
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
+   species = "hg19"
+   toppeakcount = 200
 // design_file = file(params.design)
 // bams=file(params.bams)
 //gtf_file = file("$params.genome/gencode.gtf")
@@ -20,6 +22,9 @@ process processdesign {
      file "new_design" into deeptools_design
      file "new_design" into diffbind_design
+     file "new_design" into chipseeker_design
+     file "new_design" into meme_design
@@ -51,45 +56,75 @@ process run_diffbind {
      file diffbind_design_file from diffbind_design
-     file "*_diffbind.bed" into diffpeaks_chipseeker
-     file "*_diffbind.bed" into diffpeaks_meme
-     script:
+     file "diffpeak.design" into diffpeaksdesign_chipseeker
+     file "diffpeak.design" into diffpeaksdesign_meme
+     file "*diffbind.bed" into diffpeaks_meme
+     file "*diffbind.bed" into diffpeaks_chipseeker
+   script:
      module load python/2.7.x-anaconda
      source activate /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/chipseq_bchen4/
      Rscript $baseDir/scripts/runDiffBind.R $diffbind_design_file
-//process run_chipseeker {
+//process run_chipseeker_diffpeak {
 //   publishDir "$baseDir/output", mode: 'copy'
 //   input:
-//     file diffbind_design_file from diffbind_design
-//   file annotation Tdx
+//     file diffpeak_design_file from diffpeaksdesign_chipseeker
+//     file diffpeaks from diffpeaks_chipseeker
 //   output:
-//     file "*_diffbind.bed" into diffpeaks_chipseeker
-//     file "*_diffbind.bed" into diffpeaks_meme
-//     script:
+//     stdout result
+//   script:
 //     """
 //     module load python/2.7.x-anaconda
 //     source activate /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/chipseq_bchen4/
-//     Rscript $baseDir/scripts/runDiffBind.R $diffbind_design_file
+//     Rscript $baseDir/scripts/runChipseeker.R $diffpeak_design_file hg19
-//process run_meme {
-//   publishDir "$baseDir/output", mode: 'copy'
+//process run_chipseeker_originalpeak {
+////   publishDir "$baseDir/output", mode: 'copy'
 //   input:
-//     file peaks_meme from diffpeaks_meme.flatten()
+//     file design_file from chipseeker_design
 //   output:
-//     stdout result
-//     script:
+//     stdout result1
+//   script:
 //     """
 //     module load python/2.7.x-anaconda
 //     source activate /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/chipseq_bchen4/
-//     module load meme/4.11.1-gcc-openmpi
-//     python $baseDir/scripts/runMemechip.py -i $peaks_meme
+//     Rscript $baseDir/scripts/runChipseeker.R $design_file ${species}
+process run_meme_original {
+   publishDir "$baseDir/output", mode: 'copy'
+   input:
+     file design_meme from meme_design
+   output:
+     stdout result_meme_original
+   script:
+     """
+     module load python/2.7.x-anaconda
+     source activate /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/chipseq_bchen4/
+     module load meme/4.11.1-gcc-openmpi
+     python $baseDir/scripts/runMemechip.py -i $design_meme -g ${params.genomepath} -l ${toppeakcount}
+process run_meme_diffpeak {
+   publishDir "$baseDir/output", mode: 'copy'
+   input:
+     file peaks_meme from diffpeaks_meme
+     file diffpeak_design from diffpeaksdesign_meme
+   output:
+     stdout result_meme
+   script:
+     """
+     module load python/2.7.x-anaconda
+     source activate /project/shared/bicf_workflow_ref/chipseq_bchen4/
+     module load meme/4.11.1-gcc-openmpi
+     python $baseDir/scripts/runMemechip.py -i $diffpeak_design -g ${params.genomepath} -l ${toppeakcount}
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/process.py b/workflow/scripts/process.py
index f01fd8d4dc583400635c76e53c1f4b8ee987e952..cc5ab1422743af749ab723d23fada13be475c485 100644
--- a/workflow/scripts/process.py
+++ b/workflow/scripts/process.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def main():
 #BC##  logging.debug(chipseeker_command)
   p = subprocess.Popen(chipseeker_command, shell=True)
-  overlapping_peaks = glob.glob('*diffbind.xls')
+  overlapping_peaks = glob.glob('*diffbind.bed')
   overlapping_peak_names = []
   for pn in overlapping_peaks:
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/runChipseeker.R b/workflow/scripts/runChipseeker.R
index ecb33a5fc78a2a8d4963a5d5362c2eb76c42ca12..7f7702fd511d7ca112b42e0398477abd9d295a89 100644
--- a/workflow/scripts/runChipseeker.R
+++ b/workflow/scripts/runChipseeker.R
@@ -7,25 +7,26 @@ args = commandArgs(trailingOnly=TRUE)
-if args[3]=="hg19"
 txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene
-if args[3]=="mm10"
 txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.mm10.knownGene
-if args[3]=="hg38"
 txdb <- TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene
 peakAnnoList <- lapply(files, annotatePeak, TxDb=txdb, tssRegion=c(-3000, 3000), verbose=FALSE)
 for(index in c(1:length(peakAnnoList)))
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/runDiffBind.R b/workflow/scripts/runDiffBind.R
index d6e88d121dd5e412415c5cc73e404fbe97d4102c..019ced9d1d787d6dd6bfa7c92f2731eb40a6c4ab 100644
--- a/workflow/scripts/runDiffBind.R
+++ b/workflow/scripts/runDiffBind.R
@@ -21,18 +21,25 @@ normcount <- dba.peakset(data, bRetrieve=T)
 #Retriving the differentially bound sites
+#make new design file for chipseeker at the same time
+new_SampleID = c()
+new_Peaks = c()
 for (i in c(1:length(data$contrasts)))
- contrast_name = paste(data$contrasts[[i]]$name1,"vs",
- #contrast_bed_name = paste(data$contrasts[[i]]$name1,"vs",
+ contrast_bed_name = paste(data$contrasts[[i]]$name1,"vs",
+ contrast_name = paste(data$contrasts[[i]]$name1,"vs",
+                      data$contrasts[[i]]$name2,"diffbind.xls",sep="_")
+ new_SampleID = c(new_SampleID,paste(data$contrasts[[i]]$name1,"vs",data$contrasts[[i]]$name2,sep="_"))
+ new_Peaks = c(new_Peaks, contrast_bed_name)
  report <- dba.report(data, contrast=i, th=1, bCount=TRUE)
  report <- as.data.frame(report)
- print(head(report))
+ #print(head(report))
- #write.table(as.data.frame(report),contrast_bed_name,sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F, col.names=F)
+ write.table(report,contrast_bed_name,sep="\t",quote=F,row.names=F, col.names=F)
+#Write new design file
+newdesign = data.frame(SampleID=new_SampleID, Peaks=new_Peaks)
diff --git a/workflow/scripts/runMemechip.py b/workflow/scripts/runMemechip.py
index c5aea826df4478a5eaf60aac94bbdbca3851967e..1157cf1a8ab82938442efd8a331d92ed4f443816 100644
--- a/workflow/scripts/runMemechip.py
+++ b/workflow/scripts/runMemechip.py
@@ -10,10 +10,12 @@ import argparse as ap
 import logging
 import twobitreader
 import subprocess
+import pandas as pd
 import pybedtools
 from Bio import SeqIO
 from Bio.Seq import Seq
 from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
+from multiprocessing import Pool
@@ -22,9 +24,9 @@ def prepare_argparser():
   epilog = "For command line options of each command, type %(prog)% COMMAND -h"
   argparser = ap.ArgumentParser(description=description, epilog = epilog)
   argparser.add_argument("-i","--input",dest = "infile",type=str,required=True, help="input BED file")
-  argparser.add_argument("-o","--output",dest = "outfile",type=str,required=True, help="output")
+#  argparser.add_argument("-o","--output",dest = "outfile",type=str,required=True, help="output")
   argparser.add_argument("-g","--genome",dest = "genome",type=str, help="Genome 2 bit file")
-  argparser.add_argument("-m","--mask",dest = "mask",type=bool,default=False, help="Convert repeats to N")
+ # argparser.add_argument("-m","--mask",dest = "mask",type=bool,default=False, help="Convert repeats to N")
   argparser.add_argument("-l","--limit",dest = "limit",type=int,default=-1, help="Top limit of peaks")
@@ -35,19 +37,32 @@ def rc():
 def main():
   argparser = prepare_argparser()
   args = argparser.parse_args()
-  run(args.infile, args.genome, args.limit, args.output)
+  #run(args.infile, args.genome, args.limit, args.output)
+  #get Pool ready
+  dfile = pd.read_csv(args.infile)
+  meme_arglist =  zip(dfile['Peaks'].tolist(),[args.genome+"hg19.2bit"]*dfile.shape[0],[str(args.limit)]*dfile.shape[0],dfile['SampleID'].tolist())  
+  work_pool = Pool(min(12,dfile.shape[0]))
+  resultList =  work_pool.map(run_wrapper, meme_arglist)
+  work_pool.close()
+  work_pool.join()
+def run_wrapper(args):
+  run(*args)
 def run(infile, genome, limit, output):
   infile = pybedtools.BedTool(infile)
   genome = twobitreader.TwoBitFile(genome)
   outfile = open(output+".fa","w")
-  rowcount = 1
+  rowcount = 0
   limit = int(limit)
   if limit ==-1:
     limit = len(infile)
   for record in infile:
-    while rowcount <=limit:
-      rowcount += 1
+    rowcount += 1    
+    if rowcount <=limit:
+     # logging.debug(rowcount)
         seq = genome[record.chrom][record.start:record.stop]
@@ -57,8 +72,8 @@ def run(infile, genome, limit, output):
           seq = rc(seq)
         newfa_name = record.name#"_".join(record.fields)
         newfa = SeqRecord(Seq(seq),newfa_name,description="")
-        SeqIO.write(newfa,output+".fa","fasta")
-    outfile.close()
+        SeqIO.write(newfa,outfile,"fasta")
+  outfile.close()
   #Call memechip
   meme_command = "meme-chip -oc "+output+"_memechip"+" -meme-minw 5 -meme-maxw 15 -meme-nmotifs 10 "+output+".fa"
   p = subprocess.Popen(meme_command, shell=True)