diff --git a/workflow/main.nf b/workflow/main.nf
index 7e421c76fee7161c720c89e6f5737d7e1c1997a9..4d32304900c0d5700f734068ac446261c19f764c 100644
--- a/workflow/main.nf
+++ b/workflow/main.nf
@@ -387,9 +387,6 @@ process consensusPeaks {
-// Define channel to find number of unique experiments
-noUniqueExperiments = uniqueExperiments.splitCsv(sep: '\t', header: true).toList()
 // Annotate Peaks
 process peakAnnotation {
@@ -411,57 +408,51 @@ process peakAnnotation {
-// Calculate Differential Binding Activity
-process diffPeaks {
+// Motif Search  Peaks
+process motifSearch {
   publishDir "$baseDir/output/${task.process}", mode: 'copy'
-  file designDiffPeaks
+  file designMotifSearch
-  file '*_diffbind.bed' into diffPeaks
-  file '*_diffbind.csv' into diffPeaksCounts
-  file '*.pdf' into diffPeaksStats
-  file 'normcount_peaksets.txt' into normCountPeaks
+  file "*memechip" into motifSearch
-  if (noUniqueExperiments.size() == 1) {
-    """
-    touch no_diffbind.bed
-    touch no_diffbind.csv
-    touch no_heatmap.pdf
-    touch no_pca.pdf
-    touch normcount_peaksets.txt
-    """
-  }
-  else {
-    """
-    Rscript $baseDir/scripts/diff_peaks.R $designDiffPeaks
-    """
-  }
+  """
+  python3 $baseDir/scripts/motif_search.py -d $designMotifSearch -g $fasta -p $topPeakCount
+  """
-// Motif Search  Peaks
-process motifSearch {
+// Define channel to find number of unique experiments
+noUniqueExperiments = uniqueExperiments.splitCsv(sep: '\t', header: true).toList()
+// Calculate Differential Binding Activity
+process diffPeaks {
   publishDir "$baseDir/output/${task.process}", mode: 'copy'
-  file designMotifSearch
+  file designDiffPeaks
-  file "*memechip" into motifSearch
+  file '*_diffbind.bed' into diffPeaks
+  file '*_diffbind.csv' into diffPeaksCounts
+  file '*.pdf' into diffPeaksStats
+  file 'normcount_peaksets.txt' into normCountPeaks
+  when:
+  noUniqueExperiments.size() > 1
-  script:
+  script:
-  python3 $baseDir/scripts/motif_search.py -d $designMotifSearch -g $fasta -p $topPeakCount
+  Rscript $baseDir/scripts/diff_peaks.R $designDiffPeaks