diff --git a/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.deep.md b/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.deep.md
index 07d760812a84f7410de060b72460e6134965fe59..60727655e9e0204c705fc5d5ba0911a7e1e3500d 100644
--- a/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.deep.md
+++ b/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.deep.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-title: "Human Donor Prostate (deep)"
+title: "Human Donor Prostate"
 description: "Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Data"
-name: "Human Donor (additional sequencing depth of data published in Henry GH. et al, Cell Reports,2018)"
+name: "Human Donor (additional sequencing depth of data published in Henry GH. et al, Cell Reports,2018 and projected in UMAP space)"
 date: 2019-12-24T21:46:39-06:00
 draft: false
 weight: "1"
diff --git a/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.shallow.md b/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.shallow.md
index 03573b53781185b78d6c11737b21dc9ad0b6c7ba..8ff1d8ae1bcc308679e1beed45a46bda74a95f2a 100644
--- a/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.shallow.md
+++ b/content/sc.data/hu.donor.pr.shallow.md
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: "Human Donor Prostate (shallow)"
 description: "Single-Cell RNA-sequencing Data"
 name: "Human Donor (original sequencing depth published in Henry GH. et al, Cell Reports,2018)"
 date: 2019-12-24T21:46:39-06:00
-draft: false
+draft: true
 weight: "2"
 type: "custom"
 layout: "hu.donor.shallow"
diff --git a/layouts/custom/hu.donor.deep.html b/layouts/custom/hu.donor.deep.html
index 5a16d4d8160bea56a1786f4ccd4d955458728a97..6c253b5adb5d0c8346e1ba2dd4212fc8cba80250 100644
--- a/layouts/custom/hu.donor.deep.html
+++ b/layouts/custom/hu.donor.deep.html
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
                 the prostate of three 18-38 year old organ donors using the 10x Genomics platform. The cells were
                 clustered and identified by correlation of their transcriptomes to known cell types. Gene expression can
                 be compared by population identity, cell lineage, patient, or dissected prostatic zone. This data is the
-                result of additional sequencing done on the same samples post publication.
+                result of additional sequencing done on the same samples post publication, and projected in UMAP space.
@@ -178,13 +178,13 @@
             document.getElementById("label.populations").innerHTML = "Separated by " + $("#populations").val().toUpperCase()
             document.getElementById("label.ClusterVis").innerHTML = "Cluster Visualization"
             var img = document.getElementById("img.ClusterVis");
-            img.src = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/data.images.gse117403.deep/images/" + $("#populations").val() + "/umap.png"
+            img.src = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images.gse117403.deep/images/" + $("#populations").val() + "/umap.png"
             document.getElementById("label.Feature").innerHTML = "Feature Plot"
             var img = document.getElementById("img.Feature");
-            img.src = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/data.images.gse117403.deep/images/umap/" + "genes/" + _gene + "_1.png"
+            img.src = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images.gse117403.deep/images/umap/" + "genes/" + _gene + "_1.png"
             document.getElementById("label.ViolinBox").innerHTML = "Violin Box Plot"
             var img = document.getElementById("img.ViolinBox");
-            img.src = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/data.images.gse117403.deep/images/ViolinBox/" + $("#populations").val() + "/genes/" + _gene + "_1.png"
+            img.src = "https://s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/images.gse117403.deep/images/ViolinBox/" + $("#populations").val() + "/genes/" + _gene + "_1.png"
             return (_gene)